Api Stress Coat + Or Prime


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Which is better, Am not bashing the product. I just want to know what people prefer, I like the idea of Prime but I can't help but feel I'll overdose and the stress coat seems better to relieve some stess and reduce infection rate.

Any ideas? Thank you.
I use Prime and it's a really good value for the money as far as I am concerned, and it's fairly easy to use, so I doubt you will overdose...
It is safe to overdose Prime up to 5 times the amount, so I really wouldn't worry about it.

It's super concentrated. It lasts me forever.
Prime - More for your money

Both do the same job though.
So prime has the same as what Stesscoat has?
Basically Yeah. People tend to go for Stress coat as it is more readily available in LFS and Places like P@H.

Prime treats more water for the amount used compared to that of stress coat. Both are great, just better value for money.

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