

Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2012
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My bumblebee catfish is breathing hard whenever he eats as if he choking how do i stop this?!?! He even does it when food is small!!! :eek:
uh well is he showing any signs of pain other then swallowing weird if he is then i would recommend getting professional help but if not he may just eat weird :unsure:
uh well is he showing any signs of pain other then swallowing weird if he is then i would recommend getting professional help but if not he may just eat weird :unsure:
ok thank you (i don't think fish can chew fyi) tee hee
If you "dont think fish can chew", then surely you should be aware that catfish eat with a sucking/gulping motion, due to having no incisiform teeth, therefore explaining your fish's "choking" action.
My hoplo catfish always does a chewing action (looks more like a mouse or some other rodent chewing on something) when he eats. No matter how small the food, he will "chew". I guess it's same for pretty much any other catfish.

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