Any More Fish ....


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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In a 40 litre tank I have 4 octocinclus , 12 guppies and 14 neons , time to stop or what ? .....
you are hugely over stocked already, removing a dozen fish (guppies or neons) would put you just about on the limit, lets say you are pushing your luck at the moment.
everything is fine with the tank though , all levels are good , no fighting , and a 25% water change is all it is needing to keep it clean every week ....
you could try some shrimp, but i certainly would be adding more fish. Neons can actually get quite chunky over time and appreciate more space.

The fact that you posted the other day about siphoning water out, then putting it back in after the dirt had dropped to the bottom gave me the impression you didn't know about nitrates so i was dubious about your knowledge. But if you think 25% is enough then cool, crack on. Its your tank. :)
thanks for the reply , like I said 25% water changes / week are keeping the nitrates down , all the other levels are fine , would you suggest a larger water change ? , I think i may consider some shrimp , red cherry's a good idea or not ....
are you comparing the nitrate level from your tap to that of the tank water after a 25% change? The aim is to have those readings as close as possible. If the tank water is significantly higher, then the changes and frequency are not enough.
I will check the nitrate level of the tap water tonight , thanks ...
Cheers , that will keep our lass happy as she was asking about them the other week ....

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