My mother used to live in United Utilities area so I used her postcode.
First I entered her postcode here
To find out the quality of the water in your area.
This gave me the 'summary' page in the image.
View attachment 322947
Her postcode gives her hardness as 6.51 degrees Clark. This unit is not used in fishkeeping, but we can convert it to the two units which are used. Tell us the number for degrees Clark, please.
I had a plant arrive like that a couple of weeks ago. I used a strong pair of scissors to cut the plastic basket into tiny pieces to free the roots. Any still caught can be gently pulled free. The yellowish stuff then has to be removed; I use a straightened out paperclip under a trickle of cold tap water to get the bits stuck between the roots.
The anubias will have to be attached to something such as a rock, piece of wood or plastic ornament. it cannot be planted in the substrate as the rhizome will rot. The rhizome is a thick stem like thing which has leaves growing out of one side and roots from the opposite side.