Another Stocking Question


Nov 1, 2011
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swansea, wales
Hi guys its been a while since I've been on here

I lost heart in fish keeping for a while after I bought melon barbs and they wiped out my whole stock of fish (to say I was gutted is an understatement) I almost sold my tank and gave up. But after a few months of neglect and thinking. I got rid of all my barbs and red eye tetras today. So I've started again. So far I've only got

1 siamese flying fox (survivor of the barbs)
2 danios (survivor)
2 peppered corys
1 albino cory
1 bronze cory

The corys were the last 1s in the shop and I'm getting more tomoz

What else would u guys recommend I want some colour this time I might get a siamese fighter from my friends shop he gets super delta bettas and they are stunning so may get 1.

Any comments welcome because I'm unsure of what to go for this time

Thanks peeps
We really need the size of the tank before we can suggest fish. :) I'd reccomend sticking to one type of cory though, as they like to be in groups of 6+.
Oh yeah forgot about tank size lol. Its 130 3 foot long tank I know that the danios probally need to go as they need a bigger tank so ill probally get rid of those this week.

Ill probally go with peppered corys then would the albino and bronze be ok with a group of peppered?
Anyone lol? Angel fish need a taller tank rather than long don't they? Or would they be ok in my tanks its 18 inches tall
While a 4-foot tank is preferable for danios, a 3-foot might suffice and they suit most of your other stocking in needing a temperate tank at 20C. The exception is your Flying Fox that really deserves a 4-foot long term, as they reach ~15cm, but also they need warmer conditons than the rest of your fish.

Keeping fish at an inappropriate temperature has one of two effects, too low and they shut down (opening them to disease as their immune system ceases to be), too high and live drastically shortened lives (all about increased metabolic rate: hyperactive; eat more food; produce more waste; need more tank maintenance).

Yes, Angelfish need a deep tank, at least 45cm of water to satisfy their deep bodies.

Choose which Corydoras species you want and get at least 6 but ideally 10 of them, increase the danios to 8-10 and you are more than stocked.

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