

Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I am struggling with two angelfish that are particularly aggressive towards each other, one in particular, is it likely that they are both males? If in the same tank they are immediately right at each other!

Right now they are separated with the less aggressive one in another tank, I'm likely to re-home him into a new bigger tank but was wondering if the degree to which that are territorial could be an indication as to whether they are male or female, or is that purely temperament?


Standard Angelfish advice is to either buy 1, a bonded pair or 6+...

Simply putting two "random" Angelfish together is well known for bullying, if you are hoping for a pair buy a big group and let them choose their own mate before rehoming the others.
Standard Angelfish advice is to either buy 1, a bonded pair or 6+...

Simply putting two "random" Angelfish together is well known for bullying, if you are hoping for a pair buy a big group and let them choose their own mate before rehoming the others.

Thank you,

These two were part of a group of 7, the aggression slowly developed within this group! No obvious pairs amongst them, does it become obvious if two do pair?

Possibly the two top dogs then and wanting to sort it out?

Maybe, except that the most aggressive angel was aggressive with all the other angels, and with the one I have moved in particular. The one I have moved was never aggressive at all.

Is it possible that they are both males?
Yes Mark. The ovipositor. The males is longer and thinner, the females is more of a tube that is fatter.
Yes Mark. The ovipositor. The males is longer and thinner, the females is more of a tube that is fatter.

Minnt, I've just been looking at pics online and found that before angels mate, they lock mouths. This is exactly what mine did, which I took as aggression, is it likely that they were just trying to breed?

PS no ovipositors to see at the moment!



They mouth lock to test whether the other is a suitable mate. It can lead to a fair bit of damage. I lost my male to it in the end.

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