Angelfish Aquarium - Video

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Definitely love seeing other's tanks & fish!
Beautiful angels, I really like the yellow/gold one. I don't know how to label angel colors :p
Also really like the wood & of course the rummynoses!
:wub: Is that a super red BN?
Always nice seeing members tanks isn't it :)
Yeah he's great, think its just a gold angel. Yeah its a super red, I've just had her breed with my standard BN. Don't know if I've got any survivors though but it would be interesting to see what they produce :D
I just love staring at this tank, must do it for at least half an hour a day :p
Ooo exciting! Hope some fry make it for you :)
Can't blame you, it is a really beautiful tank. I think I'd watch at least that long too!
Yeah I think I still have a few alive.. I feel a touch mean but I'm going to let nature take its course with these until I have a proper setup for fry. 
Unfortunately its distracting me from work at the moment haha
The yellow Angel looks like a Koi Angel I have one and a Black Lace but although they swim together no fry yet
Dont't think it is weston, its a gold.

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