Angel Pair Questions

Mr. Convict

Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2006
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Hey everyone, I've kept angel in the past, but never gotten a pair, and as getting a new aquarium soon, i'm gonna try to get a pair, and maybe even breed em

So here are some of my questions:

Instead of giving a time period, you could just give me like an average size (eg. ~3 inches etc.)

1) About how long will it take before they pair up? assuming i have them from juvies

2) Is it possible (like with oscars) that 2 females will form a false pair?

3) After they pair up, about how long will it take before they begin to spawn?

4) How often do they spawn?

5) When there is an angel pair in an aquarium, are they agressive to all other fish? or just other angels?

6) How many angel pairs can live peacefully in a 75 gal (4x2x2)? and a 180 gal (6x2x2)?

Thanks in advance.. cheers :D

Ps. I know theres a pinned topic but some of them werent answered, so i posted all...
Angel pairs range in size from quarter body size to larger than dollar body size. Dime size juvies are usually around 8 weeks old, nickel size closer to 12 weeks, quarter body size is generally around 16 weeks. This is generally speaking, as some angels, just like other animals, grow slower or faster than normal. This should give you a ball park idea as to their age, as they start showing pairing behavior at around 9 months.

Two females will pair if no male is present, and spawn. They can show pairing behavior & spawn the same day, or it may take months. They spawn every 7 to 14 days, 10 is about average. Theywill usually show aggression to other angels, or fish that look like angels, but sometimes a pair with aggression issues will go after anything moving in the tank, and sometimes things outside the tank. Aggression is something to consider when breeding, along with body shape, finnage, color, etc. Too many people forget about this, I've sold a few pairs because of this.

Angel pairs, and the territory they claim as theirs, can differ from pair to pair. There is a difference between some territorial aggression, which you will have with all pairs, to all out mayhem, which does occur with some pairs. This means there is no definite to how many pairs can live in a certain size tank, it's mostly trial and error. With dividers, you could easily keep 3 pairs in a 4 foot tank, probably 5 pairs in a 6 foot tank.

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