Angel Fish Have Just Laid Eggs


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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Hi my angel fish have just laid eggs so I have tranfered some of them to a breeding net, not sure if this is the right thing to do. I have already got baby corys in another breeding net (they are 26 days old) any idea why all my fish are breeding? I am so stressed out about my little babies how am I gonna cope with another lot!! I have a new tank set up for the cory fry but with the angel fish as well I am worried about over crowding. First tank (the breeding tank) is 180 litres with approx. 15 fish in it. And my new tank is 125 litres with 4 fish in it. I have 30 cory fry, but don't know how many angel fish there will be, I have transfered about 20 eggs but I can't see them all surviving. Will my tanks be over crowded?
Your tanks are fine, but keep an eye on your stats.

Fish will breed when they feel like it,if you dont want to rear them,then dont save the eggs...

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