Amazon Biotope?

Yes it is just a stock light though. Do I need live Plants?

No, but they do provide some benefits that are nice. Plants take up ammonia/ammonium so they are a safeguard. Floating plants are the most beneficial especially in an Amazon-theme aquascape, and easiest to care for, and might be worth trying? The artificial Amazon sword is fine, stuck in a back corner where it will be a nice backdrop, and being artificial light will not bee an issue so it will remain green. Some floating plants would also reduce the light entering the tank, which is authentic Amazon, and the fish will appreciate this and be more colourful.

Can you described the light? What is it, wattage, Kelvin, anything. Sometimes data is printed on the end of the tube if it is fluorescent, or on thee box the tank came in? Or online?
I do not know. I currently donā€™t have the tank. The website just says led lighted hood
Yes, although most 'stock' lights that come with aquariums will not support planted plants, they will typically support floating plants. I am growing water sprite and hornwort in a 10g (grow out) with an 18" florescent daylight bulb.
There is a huge benefit in fast(er) growing floating plants as they will help purify the water...AND provide a better naturalization.
Do you think I could do Hornwort and water sprite with this setup? Looked up pictures and love what it looks like! I am sure your tank is beautiful!
There are many fast growing floating plants. I've become a fan of Water Sprite and have it in 5 tanks now. Hornwort, Anacharis, Water Wisteria, Frogbit and dare I say it....duckweed (oh no) are all candidates. I have a love/hate relationship with duckweed (that I inherited with the hornwort). It is very prolific and soon covers the surface. I routinely 'harvest' the duckweed and put in the turtle pond as and alternative food source (but otherwise I'd prolly consider it a pest plant).
Not to rain on the parade, but I can't get past Amazon "River Biotope"... with plastic plants?!?!
Same here,
Duckweed only grows out of control if there are lots of nutrients in the water.
Duckweed only grows out of control if there are lots of nutrients in the water.

Okay, but any tank I've had it in, it grows like crazy, even tanks that get no ferts other than fish food/fish waste....but it's great for the turtles so I don't mind.

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