Amano Shrimp In My Set Up?


Nov 1, 2011
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swansea, wales
Hu guys I'm thinking of getting some ammano shrimp but I'm not sure if they would be ok in my tank I've got

3 melon barbs
3 cummins barbs
5 green tiger barbs
6 black ruby barbs
6 red eye tetras
10 neons
5 siamese flying foxes

I know the numbers aren't quite there but I've lost a few over the last few months but its settled down now.
I dont see a problem with Ammano shrimp and compatibility with your stock. Ammanos are fairly large shrimp so they are generally safe from being eaten.

However dont add any shrimp unless your water stats are spot on. Shrimp are very sensitive to water quality and will die if you have any spikes! Also they will need plenty of hiding places as they need to hide when they shed their skins because until the new shell hardens they are vulnerable.
Yeah the stats have settled back down know there's plenty of hiding places for them I've got 2 big pieces of bogwood and a load of plants
If you havent ever kept shrimp before heres a handy tip for you - they shed their skins on a regular basis. If you see a white looking shrimp dont think that it has died as they shed the entire thing and it looks like a dead one. Leave the shells in as they feed on them to get needed nutrients. You will know if you have a dead shrimp as they will be a pinkish colour like when you cook them!! :lol:

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