I was just wondering I have a 350litre aquarium with current stock of
10 rummy nose tetras
10 serpae tetras
3 Mickey Mouse plates
2 dennision barb small
3 serbae Corydoras
2 otto cat fish
5 cherry shrimp
Was thinking of getting 20 cardinals , 5 male guppies , 4 blue rams. Maybe 2 more Corydoras
Would I be overstocked are what do you think? Help would be great thanks.....
10 rummy nose tetras
10 serpae tetras
3 Mickey Mouse plates
2 dennision barb small
3 serbae Corydoras
2 otto cat fish
5 cherry shrimp
Was thinking of getting 20 cardinals , 5 male guppies , 4 blue rams. Maybe 2 more Corydoras
Would I be overstocked are what do you think? Help would be great thanks.....