Alright I Need Some Help ?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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i brought a half moon betta a couple of days a go, because i found myself very attracted to him :)
may i please have some facts/info on caring for them, from you experienced ones ;)

i have my tank temp at 77F
and it is a planted tank and there is also a school of 10 trigonostigma espei (well some of them are also hengeli, because the pet shop mixed them up)
but my betta seems to spend 50% of the day hiding at the back of the tank, only coming out when i feed him he comes out, then throughout the day he pops out for a minute or so every now and then

any reason why ? or is he just a bit shy at the moment being as hes new
all info appreciated :)
my new male white dragon did this when i first got him...he might be shy and is still probably settling in, give him a little bit and he will get use to you :)
i will do hannah :) and at the moment i got him in a 64 liter, by the way how do you dudes go about feeding your betta, im having a bit of trouble. i feed him bloodworm but the thing is i got a school of false harlequin and they always seem to beat him to the bloodworm when i try and feed him, kinda worrying he might end up being under fed :/ any tips ?
You could virtually "hand feed" him. Hold a bloodworm close to the surface of the water, either above where he is hiding or wait for him to come to you. When he's there, you could give him the bloodworm. You could use tweezers or a similar tool to hold the bloodworm if you didn't fancy holiding it in your fingers. I'm sure I once read that bloodworm isn't the best diet to feed bettas all the time, though. They do, however, make excellent treats for them ;)
what i do with some of my males is i stand down at one end of the tank tap the glass lightly and they come swimming over...or when he gets use to the feeding schedule stand at one end of the tank and put just enough in him at one end of the tank their pretty smart fish (id start feeding him like betta pellets like said above blood worms are good for a treat)
thanks for the replys, i was told when i bought him id need some bloodworm because thats what they eat, i didnt think of pellet food :p lol i'll have to get some :)
Mine get Hikari pellets & bloodworm & daphnia as a treat every now & then
My betta was a fussy eater at first but he eventually came around after about a week

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