Almond Leaves


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2012
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came across these on ebay almond leaves meant to lower ph in ur tank has anyone used these and do they work
I use them. They do work, but you have to constantly add new ones.
Personally I like the look of them. Alder cones will also help lower pH and are available on ebay as well.
ok thanks do u just let them flat about tank .also how many leaves would i add for a 240 litre tank
sorry meant to say do u just let them float at top off ur tank
i just got some, as im trying to create a blackwater effect in my tank, there are a lot of different opinions on how many you should use, the ones i brought said that you should use 1 per gallon, personally i think just use how many suit you! i've put a lot in my tank as well as some manzanita root wood to help stain the water and obviously because it looks nice and yes they will float for a bit but will become water logged and sink soon enough :)
I use one for every 5 gallons, as I'm not trying to stain the water. Though 1 per gallon has been recommended for creating blackwater.

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