All Pond Solutions External Filter (1400ef) Flow Rate?


Jan 29, 2012
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ive just recently purchased all pond solutions 1400EF without the uv light ( big syphon button, no handle ) i decided to go for the 1400 so it would fit in my cabinet, but it didnt so i was thinking about sending it back for the 2000. only problem is every single video on youtube shows these things running with the spray bar, which i dont intend to use, so if anyone who is using the 1400 model, ive very much appreciate a video upload of the flow rate without the spray bar, or if anyone has seen a video od sort, please share :)
I don't have the 1400L/H, but the 2000L/H version and I am using it without the spraybar as it decreases the flow.
may seem like a stupid question but i really wanna see it in action without the spray bar

I don't have the 1400L/H, but the 2000L/H version and I am using it without the spraybar as it decreases the flow.
yeah i noticed these filters with the spray bars didnt look any different from my 700lph filters
may seem like a stupid question but i really wanna see it in action without the spray bar

I don't have the 1400L/H, but the 2000L/H version and I am using it without the spraybar as it decreases the flow.
yeah i noticed these filters with the spray bars didnt look any different from my 700lph filters

Most people say the APS filters have half of the advertised flow rate. In my experience, without the spray bar, the APS 2000 L/H on a 330 L tank is creating a massive ammount of flow. There's no way I can put floating plants and that's with the outlet 10cm below the surface. If I put a second external filter it will blow my fish away and I also have to be careful with plant position because they too get blown. At the same time some people here said theirs were barely good enough for a 180 L which is strange from my point of view.
One other thing I'll mention is that yesterday I moved the filter inlet and outlet at the same side of the tank rather than each one at the opposite sides and the flow was reduced a lot visually, the 4-5 surviving floaters were actually able to travel a bit around the surface instead of blown towards the intake. I don't know if it's because the pipes were in a different than the manufacturers recommended position but it's worth noting. I moved them back the way it was today as it didn't work out.
For the money I paid it's doing a great job and it's a super silent filter(it's next to me at the moment and I can't hear it). After the first priming it's also self priming after cleaning, just never fill water to the top, leave a quarter of the filter empty.

That's my 2000L/H without the spray bar:

And this is one with the tank full
hi thanks dude, thats a great video. i think that flow rate would be a bit too strong for my 3 foot long tank. il get my 1400 up and running asap. thats after ten months? thats good going. i was was also worried the 200 would be too loud considering it would be outside the tank and is withing arms reach from my bed and tv, the cristalprofi e700 ive got running atm creates a really good current but the actual design of the filter internally is not very efficient when it comes to trapping waste. hence the reason i stuff it fulll of poly/floss, but offcourse this reduces flow rate. thanks for the video mate, much appreciated
I've put extra filter floss in mine too and it hasn't reduced the flow, not that I've noticed.
I've put extra filter floss in mine too and it hasn't reduced the flow, not that I've noticed.
how did you arrange the media. for the 1400 aps recomend all the floss ( mechanical filtration ) to go at the bottom and the carbon ( chemical filtration ) to go in the middle and the biological filtration at the top :S im confused. ive always done it the other way round :S
I've put extra filter floss in mine too and it hasn't reduced the flow, not that I've noticed.
how did you arrange the media. for the 1400 aps recomend all the floss ( mechanical filtration ) to go at the bottom and the carbon ( chemical filtration ) to go in the middle and the biological filtration at the top
im confused. ive always done it the other way round
im not planning to use the carbon until i need it. i was going to put 2 layers od floss at the bottom, one layer of floss in the middle plus the bio balls. and on the top tray, just the ceramic rings, nothing else.
I bought extra ceramics and replaced the carbon. The filter comes with floss in the tree of the baskets at the bottom of each one and the bio balls/ceramics on top of it, then I've added extra double sheet of floss in the bottom and the very top basket that contains just floss.

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