All Mts Dead On Arrival?


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2012
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Well it is my first time ordering livestock online, and so far I am pretty regretful. I bought some MTS on ebay and followed the instructions to float the bag for a few hours to get their temperature up. It looked like a couple may have come out of the shells a little but they weren't moving. I thought that maybe they would burrow if I put them on the sand with the lights on, hoping the bag was just too flat for them to move. They aren't moving. How long do I give them before I know they are dead? I thought they would hide immediately. I will have been seriously put off livestock delivery if they have died in transit. :/
id give them a day. i bought assassin snails online and had no problem they came out of there tube straight away :crazy:
Okay, thanks. I hope none of my fish try to eat them before they burrow. Pentazona barbs and emperor tetras don't seem to be listed as snail eaters, but I had common snails eaten by platies, gourami, and probably others last time.
Well this morning I saw some still around where I left them, but this evening I only see one. :unsure: I don't know whether they have burrowed or the fish have moved them. Is it likely that I won't know until they do or do not start multiplying? I need to write to the vendor if there were a lot dead, but finding them may be tricky. They were quite small, and the substrate is sand.

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