Algea Problem Solvers.... Heres One For You. (7 Pics )


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2012
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What it says, for I swear I have just about everything you can think of in my planted tank.

I use Flourish excel every day. I follow the dosage to the T. 72 gallon tank. Put in one cap full plus .25ml per dose.
I also do Florish dosage 2 x a week.

2x2 Bulb shop lights. I got all sorts of lights in it. 2x dayligh from GE (T-8). 1 grow light from walmart ( this one is a T-12 for some reason ), and one Aqua-Glo T8 bulb.

I am lost how to get rid of this stuff.

Now I am thinking that maybe I do not have enough WPG? The 2 daylight bulbs are only 32 W while the other 2 bulbs are 40 W. Now ming you the grow light from walmart is a T-12 bulb so that one I think is due to be replaced.

Any thoughts would help and here are some pics.







Firstly, it is my opinion (not solid fact) that you may be using too much Supplement. I use Flourish as well. I use the the recommended dosage (About two tablespoons) once a week, after every water change. My plants do fine.
How long do you leave your lights on? I leave mine on from 5-9 hours a day.
The combination of too much Supplement and too much light is asking for algae. (The Supplements will tell you to use more than you need so that you will run out of product more quickly and go back and buy more)
Also, I would say get an algae eater at some point to help keep it clean. BNP's work wonders on algae (At least in my tank)
well cleaned off the glass and did a good clean of the gravel and added the dosages for the excel and the flourish. See how long it takes to come back.

I wonder if adding more ecel would help?
Are you dosing ferts as If not I bet your Nitrates and Phosphates are so low its causing the algae you have that is green in colour and the black algae is caused by fluctuations in the CO2/excel your using.
Are you dosing ferts as If not I bet your Nitrates and Phosphates are so low its causing the algae you have that is green in colour and the black algae is caused by fluctuations in the CO2/excel your using.
It should not be an issue with the NO3 IMO. They build up good with that not being a problem.
Now you say that the Black stuff is due to the fluctuation of CO2 from the excel.... how can that be if I dose the same every day? Let say I cut it to something simple like 5ml a day would I still get the algea?

Edit: yeah as I expected the NO3 is 40-80 and this is after a 40% WC yesturday. Test via the API test drop kit.

Now I seem to have problems with the filter screens seem to get clogged at times... would this cause a algea outbreak? My NH3 and the NO2 all show 0 when that happens... usually the water is still pumping. as you see I got a peguin 350 on one side and the smaller 30 gallon on the other. So what one does not pcik up the other should....
Then more than likely a huge flow issue.
In all honesty mate, your plants dont look like they're healthy at all so there is defo a bad link in the chain of ferts, flow, CO2, lighting somewhere, what lighting do you have and how long is your photo period?

Also you may have low phosphates. Also an algae cause.
I'm going to go with too much light, rather than too little, with not enough flow. I see 2 powerheads and a HOB, so flow should be good, but I have to agree that the tank looks like one with low flow. As you say, clogging filter panels may be part of the trouble.

The only other side comment I can make is that I've had issues with old tubes losing colour rendition and causing algae outbreaks. Changing the tubes brought things back online, but it took a long time once I'd been algaeed to get it clear again. Most of us have been there with a algae outbreak and it always takes a while once things are back up and running to get on top.

It might be that, once things are looking more under control, that you need to add in some fresh, healthy plants, to start outcompeting the algae again, but that'll depend on what things look like once you're back up to speed.
Too much fertilizer, not enough light, lack of maintenance in my opinion. I would do 25% water changes every other day with bottom siphon and hand cleaning all plants and glass for a week with no fertilizer. Increase light by double,replace bulbs, fertilize once weekly thereafter. Add a few more fish(select herbivores, cleaners) I think everyone adds too much fertilizer to their tanks,the manufacturers reccomend too much.You can tell if plants are lacking by their color.More light, and increased plant growth will outcompete the algae eventually.
You cant increase light and drop ferts, that will cause more harm then good.
With a deep tank like that and 2 t-8 bulbs I think otherwise. Obviously those plants arent growing or utilizing the fertilizer on a daily basis. Cant do any more harm
Yeah it can make the algae worse, the plants and algae will use up the nutrients much faster along with any excel/CO2 in the water which will result in even more algae due to low nutrients.

If anything I'd maybe start with finding out how old the tubes are and if needs be replace them. Then work on the flow/dosing.
The only one that is "new" > 3 months old is the Aqua glow bulb. The 2 T-12 aquarium bulbs are about 6+ months old.... and the Daylight one is the same 6+ months.

I made the mistake getting those T-12's. I later one saw the pet store here in town had a wide range of T-8 bulbs from the Aqua line. They include :
Flora glo- 2800K
Sun glo- 4200K
Life glo- 6700K
Aqua glo- 18000K
Power glo- 18000K
Marine glo- NA ( would assume at or higher than the 2 at 18000K )

So for the extra 5 bucks per bulb I could have had something else.

Anyways, what else should I test?
did another NO3 is 40 still a day later.

Ill so a smaller WC like 20 gallons tomorrow.

I am looking at maybe doing a DIY CO2 type deal here with some canisters or Fire extinguisher. I was trying to use 4x 2lt bottles with yeast. That did not seem to give consistent results.

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