Algae Or Fungus Id


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Sorry I dont have a picture at the moment. I have a piece of mopani wood that I have had in various tanks now for a couple of years. Now its been in a tank in the conservatory for a couple of weeks and something weird has grown on it. I thought to start with that it was a vegi flake, but its grown and spread, It has a whitish outer ring with darker green in the middle exactly the same as lichen, but I have never heard of underwater lichen before. Anyone with any ideas??
would be great if you can get a picture for us then we can ID it 100% or close to, if it is an algae then it may be on this site that i highly recommend you look at and see if its listed if not then it maybe a fungi
None on that link, Finally got my camera working...

This wood has been in my tanks for 3-4 years and in a friends tank prior to that. It is on this wood and now on some rock too???

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