Algae Growth

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Aug 22, 2013
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I don't have an algae problem just wanna know how fast it usually multiplies on average, ie doubles in a week, day, whatever it might be and in a ten gallon how many crabs and snails am I gonna want?
There is no good answer to this really, as it is completely dependent on lighting, nutrient supply, and species of algae involved. Because of that, it's best to stock CUC animals on an as-needed basis to avoid starvation and attrition. 
I have 4 crabs right now and they have  done a number on the algae. I use just a basic full spectrum bulb and it runs about 8 hours temp is a constant 76 degrees F and I have noticed the algae double in size in about a day before I had added the crabs I planned on getting 2 more crabs and 4 snails, any thoughts on that would be appreciated.
I have a 10 gal. Normally I keep around 8 ghost shrimp, 5 or 6 small hermits and 3 or 4 small snails. I also include a variety of empty shells so the hermits don't evict the snails.
I struggled with algae when I had my lion fish in this tank because he would eat the shrimp as fast as I put them in. I think he was also adding to the nutrient load. I've rehoused the Lion, the lights have stayed the same, CUC is the same and the algae is under control.
britt said:
I have 4 crabs right now and they have  done a number on the algae. I use just a basic full spectrum bulb and it runs about 8 hours temp is a constant 76 degrees F and I have noticed the algae double in size in about a day before I had added the crabs I planned on getting 2 more crabs and 4 snails, any thoughts on that would be appreciated.
If the crabs you have are going at the algae, then I would try 2 more and see how it goes. I wouldn't increase the snails unless you've seen those eat the same algae. Or do you not have any snails right now? If you don't have any snails, what type of algae is it: color, a film, hairy, macro, etc.? The species of snail is very important as to whether they'll help with one type of algae or another.
algea is under control I have 3 margarita snails 3 crabs left and some pest stars and snails algea is green but reducing I cycled my tank the slow way so algea is just now melting away. switched to a coralife 50 50 bulb. I have 4 corals, candycane, Kenya tree, and two others as well as a purple firefish goby and a yellow tail damsel. all is good.

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