Algae Eaters


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2005
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Is it ok to have a Common Plecostomus(Suckermouth Catfish) in a tank that I use for fry... After the fry are moved into the main tank can I leave him in there to take care of the algae so when I have new fry they will have a clean tank to go into? :dunno: Thanks for your input :D
i don't know

the pleco might eat a few of the fry if he catches them sleeping methinks. But i've never tried it really....

How big is your tank?
The Pleco is small about 2 inches and the tank is a 10 gallon. He has been in it for a few days now and doesn't seem to bother them... *** crossing my fingers***
as they are about 6 weeks old and about hair smaller than a neon tetra :)
Your common plec may be only 2" now, but he will grow to about 15" so your tank is not going to be big enough for him in the not too distant future. Plecs are bottom feeders and your fry are mid swimmers so there's not much chance of them being eaten.
I didn't think he would eat them either.. And I have had this Pleco in a different 10 gallon tank for about 5 months and he hasn't grown at all??? :dunno: I don't know what is up with that because I know they can get big. I have another one in a 55 gallon tank and he is HUGE :flex: and it didn't take him long to get there...LOL
Does that hurt him?? He won't get any bigger ???? We needed an algae eater and the b/f likes those better than CAE or SAE so that is what we got... He does a great job... :thumbs:
Unfortunately, it probably does hurt him. It's a subject of great debate, but it is generally agreed that stunting isn't healthy for any fish.

Well I didn't do it on purpose :/ I thought he would grow :sad: He does do a splendid job for a little guy though :clap:

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