Albino Fish


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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Pittsburgh, PA
Does anyone know what species of tropical fish can be albino? I have two albino Cory cat fish already and would like to add some more albino fish to my 10 gallon tank. Please note that I do have a male betta in the tank.

The only one I know off the top of my head is Albino Tiger Barb which wouldn't get along with the betta. Sorry I'm not much help :/
Most species can have Albino forms, one of the more common ones are Albino Red Finned Sharks. :)
You can get golden danios, which I think are albino. But if you really want something nice you should try golden ancistrus, they are beautiful and wont go near your betta
Albino Paradise fish. I like albino bushynoses as someone already said, and the red eyes of albino buenos aires tetras. I've seen albino dojo loaches that looked super cool. Albino cherry barbs are pretty common around here. Oscars, but that wouldn't be a good idea with most other fish. THe albino kribs I've seen were more black and white than true albino, though. And blind cave tetras are eyeless and have no pigmentation.
Albino fish are not Miscellaneous fish species. They are simple forms of other fish species. Therefore I am moving this to Tropical Chit Chat where it might attract more attention. :)
Rainbow shars are mean! mine demands that one one touches his bottom but the ADF. I like my golden Danios alot though trying to breed them with my glofish. Pardise fish would not be a good choice as they are anbaitoids and will probably fight with the betta. I've seen albino b noses and albino guppies but guppy albinism is a sterile strain when homozygous so they need to be kept with others so as to not die off.

there are albino's in nearly every type of fish.

i personally think they are ugly, but i do have one mbuna (dunno which can't tell yet) that i particuly like.
That's interesting, every fish in your aquarium is white. Even the light is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, all fishes would be white isn't that right, VulcanNinja? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler.

:lol: :)
While creating an albino tank sounds like a neat novelty at first, be prepared for the crummy, sterile lack of color. I bought too many silver-colored fish at first and my tank looked really boring. Now that I have 4 swordtails, the tank seems to come alive.
bunjiweb said:
To go with a betta I would reccomend albino loaches, albino ADF or Albino Corys.
Hi VulcanNinja :)

Sorry to say, there are no albino ADFs, only ACFs and they will get quite large. :eek:

Blind cave tetras are not albino, but are the same color as albino corys. Their eyes are not red, of course, since they have no eyes.

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