Albino Cory Ill?

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Nov 25, 2013
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I have 7 Cories in a 5 gal tank, I know it isn't big enough but I'm moving them to a 10 gal this week. 
I'm just waiting for it to cycle. 
Anyway it's only the 7 cories and I've had the for a few weeks.. The water was cycled for 6 weeks before I put them in and they all hid for a day, then began exploring and now they all act normally accept one. She is the biggest cory I've seen and she's albino but she seems sulky. She does feed, and she does air gulp but alot of the time she sits on the bottom, I don't know if shes old, ill or if it's a personality thing but it's worrying me. 
Has anyone ever had a sulky corydora? or is she actually ill..

(Btw thats food in the background to get her out from hiding to take a photo.) albino.jpg
First of I'd like to remark that you've got a fine cory tank there!
Now for your smexy albino I'd say she might be just resting because cories can stay still for days without eating just sometimes getting air. But just in case keep her seperated from the rest.
Also as fine as those pebbles look you need to get sand if you want to keep them healthy because they may find it really hard to get food due to the fact everything falls right through the substrate.
PS post some pics of the 10g! 
AirFarceLive said:
First of I'd like to remark that you've got a fine cory tank there!
Now for your smexy albino I'd say she might be just resting because cories can stay still for days without eating just sometimes getting air. But just in case keep her seperated from the rest.
Also as fine as those pebbles look you need to get sand if you want to keep them healthy because they may find it really hard to get food due to the fact everything falls right through the substrate.
PS post some pics of the 10g! 
I did consider getting sand, but I'm new to this.. I'm unsure how you clean sand? because a syphon would just suck it up right?
They do fit their barbels in the gaps and I see them vacuum the food.. and they're smooth so it doesn't hurt them..
She's very big.. I didn't realise how good the plants were for them till they started to rest on them

Here is the tank they're in.. See it has a very small bottom that's why i'm moving them..

Big albino.jpgtank.jpg
While it's great that you're upgrading them, they should be in a 20g. Or I suppose it may depend on the dimensions of the 10g.
When you say it cycled for 6 weeks, did you add ammonia or just let it sit? Have you tested the water to see if that may have something to do with the way it's acting?
It's normal, from what I've seen, for them to just sit in place for a while.
Sand would be great for them. It does sound confusing to clean at first but it's quite easy.
You just place the siphon a little bit above the sand line and do a circular motion to stir up the poo and then it goes right up the siphon ^^
Here is a vid with someone siphoning their sand, although you may find other vids more useful.
What kind of cories do you have? It looks like you have more than one type.
They need a group of 6+, of their own kind. So you may want to switch some out.
Sorry if I came off negative at all. It is a cute little tank, just not for the cories, and I know you already know that. =)
Oh and 
to the forum! I hope you like it here~
Ninjouzata said:
While it's great that you're upgrading them, they should be in a 20g. Or I suppose it may depend on the dimensions of the 10g.
When you say it cycled for 6 weeks, did you add ammonia or just let it sit? Have you tested the water to see if that may have something to do with the way it's acting?
It's normal, from what I've seen, for them to just sit in place for a while.
Sand would be great for them. It does sound confusing to clean at first but it's quite easy.
You just place the siphon a little bit above the sand line and do a circular motion to stir up the poo and then it goes right up the siphon ^^
Here is a vid with someone siphoning their sand, although you may find other vids more useful.
What kind of cories do you have? It looks like you have more than one type.
They need a group of 6+, of their own kind. So you may want to switch some out.
Sorry if I came off negative at all. It is a cute little tank, just not for the cories, and I know you already know that. =)
Oh and 
to the forum! I hope you like it here~
The bottom is pretty big, it's 47x36, in the new.. And it's the most I could afford..
I added fish food, but not too much and I siphoned it out every 4-5 days.. I also added a water conditioner with beneficial bacteria..
It had the filter running and heater.. I haven't tested the water but I read it goes cloudy then clear and all that and that's exactly what it did so I just assumed the levels are okay, and my fishies don't seem stressed..
Ahhh i see, that makes a little more sense. I need to practise this :D
I have 1 bronze, 1 panda, 1 serbai, 2 albino, 2 peppered.. I was worried about the species mix up but they actually all lie and feed together.. And they're all very active and play in the bubbles together, besides my fatty albino. If they seemed sad I would do the switch up but they seem happy and all act like they're the same.. This is them laying together..
If that's in cm, then it's still too small. Each of your corys get chunky, though the panda is the least chunkiest, and they're all pretty active.
Just would be looking for a bigger tank for them when you can afford to do so.
I recommend you pick up a liquid test kit ASAP, as I doubt you fully cycled the tank using that method.
Look at the Cycling article at the top to see what you should've done.
If you were to keep the cories in a proper number & with their own type, you would see that they prefer that way and would be acting more natural.

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