Albino Cories *update*


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I got two very tiny (less then an inch) albino cories, and they are the most hyper-active cories I've ever had. My two new panda cories just hang out, and eat once in awhile, but the albinos...they are like a couple of three year olds! :D It's just go, go, go with those two. I would hate to hear those two talking...they'd be going a mile a minute.... :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: "guesswhatIdidtodayfirstIswamoverthereand
thenIswamupthesideofthetankandthenmeandmybuddytheyoyoloachwereswimmingaroundtheflowerpot". :hyper: :hyper: They'll "bounce" around the panda cories after they've had a big outing like two little kids telling their parents about their day at school or something. Very adorable. And they don't act like little maggots at all, MANY_A_MOLLY. ;) ;) They pal around with the two yo-yo loaches almost all of the time (probably they are so close in enerygy level and size.) :wub: :wub:
I'm so glad I got them now. :)
:lol: love the three-year old analogy :lol: i've always noticed at the lfs they are very active little buggers (oh, and by maggots, i never meant them eating anything, just that theyre little white rounded things that wriggle about :lol:, still can't get over it though so i'll probably never get any myself............. :lol: )

you'llhave to post some shots of your maggots i mean albino cories soon!!! :kira:
aww they sound adorable, just like mine :D but they'll settle down soon enough. mine were so active the first week but now they spend most of the time on the gravel, taking naps :rolleyes: of course after a water change, they're back to being hyper, so cute
lol!!! :lol: Suuuuuch a cute post - I love the way you describe them! I must say though.... mine have gotten MORE active since I got them - and they already acted like yours when I got them!! Now they swim around like normal all-level dwelling fish - heck with the bottom! It's hilarious, sometimes I have to make a double take when one goes swimming by. They're constantly moving, never sit still, cept when they are playing hide and seek.... the hider hasta be sneaky. And then.. SURPRISE! Kowabunga! :wub: I swear it happens just like that.... so cute.
Hi dixaisy930 :)

What a fun thread you have started! :D

When it comes to entertainment, little corys are the best! Right now I have two tanks full of young bronze corys (of which the albinos are a color variation). One is on each side of my couch, in the living room. In the evening, the corys in one tank like to swim up and down and the ones in the other prefer to swim across the tank. So, when I sit there and turn my head to the right, I see what looks like fireworks, the corys suddenly shooting up to the surface and just as quickly coming down) and when I turn it to the left I see the little guys swimming laps. :thumbs: It almost makes me dizzy!

They must swim miles every day! :hyper: No wonder they eat so much!

Your albinos will be even happier if you have room for a couple more. Watching a batch of fry grow up is an amazing thing. If you have ever thought about raising any kind of egg laying fish, give some thought to these. They are good ones to start with. It would be an experience you will never forget. :nod:

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