Albino Adonis


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2013
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Seen a few of these in a Maidenhead Aquatics yesterday. Selling for £129 - needless to say they had been there a while. Imported from Peru.
I've heard these are one of the largest Plecs you can get?
Anyone have any information on them?
Judging from Google, £129 seems quite cheap!
If I am right you are talking about L-155 Acanthicus sp.? except albino of course.
Sophie said:
Seen a few of these in a Maidenhead Aquatics yesterday. Selling for £129 - needless to say they had been there a while. Imported from Peru.
I've heard these are one of the largest Plecs you can get?
Anyone have any information on them?
Judging from Google, £129 seems quite cheap!
wow just saw pics you gonna buy it?
PlecostomusPerson said:
If I am right you are talking about L-155 Acanthicus sp.? except albino of course.
That'll be the one yeah.
ncguppy830 said:
Seen a few of these in a Maidenhead Aquatics yesterday. Selling for £129 - needless to say they had been there a while. Imported from Peru.
I've heard these are one of the largest Plecs you can get?
Anyone have any information on them?
Judging from Google, £129 seems quite cheap!
wow just saw pics you gonna buy it?
Doubt it - they have them on RO systems in the shop so they're used to much softer water - would kill me to spend that money and then have it die on me. Spent £20ish on the Gold Nugget and that was expensive enough.
Mine here is very hard, I was very lucky with my Gold Nugget that he had been acclimatised to our hard water for 6 months in the shop before I brought him home.
Oh, not to mention if they get bigger than a Common Plec then there's no way I can house it. 
Well then, wow that is pretty cheap. They are quite beautiful I might add and are a bit difficult. They are omnivores, require a neutral ph level (6-8), they need an aquarium no less than 300cm, and can grow to be as big as 120 cm. They also need the temperature from 25 - 29C...... That is all I got.

so yeah as big as a common pleco
PlecostomusPerson said:
Well then, wow that is pretty cheap. They are quite beautiful I might add and are a bit difficult. They are omnivores, require a neutral ph level (6-8), they need an aquarium no less than 300cm, and can grow to be as big as 120 cm. They also need the temperature from 25 - 29C...... That is all I got.

so yeah as big as a common pleco
120cm? Don't you mean twice, almost three times as large as a common plec?
The specs don't seem too difficult, but it's just acclimating them that is a pain. Such a difference between the hardness of water, I wouldn't want to risk it.
Well twice as big as a common plecostomus. Well I am happy you did not purchase her and take the risk, I would be sad to hear another painful death of a harmless plecostomus.
My local MA does this as well I dont really understand it... mine have a big Flowerhorn in for £150 he started off as a 2 incher and now is over 8 inches... Same for a 6 inch tiger shovel nose and then they had a pair of rare betas in for £120...
Adonis are monsters though and like any tank buster they should be considered a major commitment. 120cm is their max size so its not just the length of the tank that is important its the width and height as well. Im not sure I agree with only a 3m long tank I would want about 4-5m long by at least 2.5m wide and the same tall. And the filtration needed to cope with something like this would be an almost equally sized sump.
In my experience acclimatising from MA is not hard at all
wait 120cm is their size i thought it said tank size wow that like 47 inches a monster for sure.
Wills said:
My local MA does this as well I dont really understand it... mine have a big Flowerhorn in for £150 he started off as a 2 incher and now is over 8 inches... Same for a 6 inch tiger shovel nose and then they had a pair of rare betas in for £120...
Adonis are monsters though and like any tank buster they should be considered a major commitment. 120cm is their max size so its not just the length of the tank that is important its the width and height as well. Im not sure I agree with only a 3m long tank I would want about 4-5m long by at least 2.5m wide and the same tall. And the filtration needed to cope with something like this would be an almost equally sized sump.
In my experience acclimatising from MA is not hard at all
Well I am going to have to agree with you, everyone has to be a little more safer then usual and sorry for not putting the width and height. 
ncguppy830 said:
wait 120cm is their size i thought it said tank size wow that like 47 inches a monster for sure.
Yup their size......, but then again their are also plecostomus that are even bigger and lots that are the same size.
PlecostomusPerson said:
My local MA does this as well I dont really understand it... mine have a big Flowerhorn in for £150 he started off as a 2 incher and now is over 8 inches... Same for a 6 inch tiger shovel nose and then they had a pair of rare betas in for £120...
Adonis are monsters though and like any tank buster they should be considered a major commitment. 120cm is their max size so its not just the length of the tank that is important its the width and height as well. Im not sure I agree with only a 3m long tank I would want about 4-5m long by at least 2.5m wide and the same tall. And the filtration needed to cope with something like this would be an almost equally sized sump.
In my experience acclimatising from MA is not hard at all
Well I am going to have to agree with you, everyone has to be a little more safer then usual and sorry for not putting the width and height. 

ncguppy830 said:
wait 120cm is their size i thought it said tank size wow that like 47 inches a monster for sure.
Yup their size......, but then again their are also plecostomus that are even bigger and lots that are the same size.
Ah sorry I wasnt critisising :) Also what other plecs get to this size? Ive been looking at plecs a lot recently and it is amazing how many we know so little about there are!
I can name off a few, so here...........
Acanthicus adonis - 120cm / Acanthicus sp. aff. adonis - 120cm / Acanthicus sp. aff. hystrix (Rio Branco & Rio Tocantins), - 120cm / Acanthicus sp. L155 & L193 - 120cm / Pseudacanthicus cf. histrix - 100cm.... that is all i can think of..... but there are also a few that get to around 70-80cm... my favorite being Megalancistrus barrae

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