

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2012
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I don't have this tank so my knowledge of it is very low but I have been to our lasses grandads house today and his tank is over run with aiptasia

I do know he has a mantis shrimp in there so if any one also has any knowledge of getting rid of that aswell it will be appreciated any way because of said mantis shrimp he can't get peppermint shrimps so does any one know how to get rid of

a: aiptasia
B: mantis shrimp

thanks in advance


I don't have this tank so my knowledge of it is very low but I have been to our lasses grandads house today and his tank is over run with aiptasia

I do know he has a mantis shrimp in there so if any one also has any knowledge of getting rid of that aswell it will be appreciated any way because of said mantis shrimp he can't get peppermint shrimps so does any one know how to get rid of

a: aiptasia
B: mantis shrimp

thanks in advance


aiptasia-x ... not as cost effective as peppermint shrimps though :/ (aware of the mantis issue though)
when i had aip heres a link to the thread i created for advice

- Kits: Aiptasia-X or Joe's Juice. Takes a fair bit of repeated application to get rid of lots. I have found Joe's Juice effective on nems that totally didn't respond to Aip-X. If the tank is really small (like a pico) then it's a good idea to remove the rock and treat in a bucket.

- With a hypodermic needle to inject the nem: lemon juice or kalk paste. Be careful not to go crazy with it because of the potential impact on water params.

- Biological: peppermint shrimp (gotta get enough of them before it's effective), some butterflyfish.

- Soldering iron to burn spots on the rock without killing the whole rock.

- Drastic action for totally infested rocks where all else has failed: dry the whole rock out and re-cure it (best done in something other than the display tank for big rocks).

Mantis shrimp: determine which rock it lives in, take that rock out (with tongs!!! Not with hands), and put it in a bucket. You can try to get it out of the rock but it's hard to do without smashing the rock. The best solution is to see if you can find another local hobbyist who wants a mantis. Even the common hitchhiker ones have a small following amongst mantis enthusiasts.

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