ah! ich!


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
i just noticed that my neons have ich ..the spots just started showing today and ive had them for 2 days now ..i dont have hospital tank so i put them in a bucket for now cause i dont want my other fish to get it ..i hope they dont have it :/ ..they're not showing any signs of it.. i hope they dont start tho

what can i do to get rid of it?
QuICK Cure is what I use. It's pretty strong and pretty fast.
is there any other way for treating ich other than buying medication ..because i dont think i can afford that right now and i heard that u can use heat but im not sure how to do this and their only in a 32oz pitcher right now(best thing i have at the moment), so i dont think i should put a heater in there..

also how do i make sure that my other fish dont get it? i dont know if it spreaded or not
Just raise the temperature... see how that helps.. I had it on one of my Gouramis and raised it around 85 deg F and let it sit for a few days (I think 3?) and it went away by it self.... had it in a hospital tank tho (10 gal)...

Got a extra heater for your bucket?
yes but i dont have a thermometer ..think i can just buy a cheap one and take it out 2 check? or will the temp change when i take it out of the bucket
Yea I think it will change... but you should be able to hold the thermometer in the bucket submerged and read it? I do it all the time when I change my water, when I add water back to the tank I want it to be close to the tank temp as possible.
Hey FishNewbie,

You might as well treat the whole tank for ich, ich is a parasite that attaches itself to a fish, it then multiplys and finds more host. So, basicly you have a couple of free floating ich swimming around. I would do a water change ASAP. Turning up the heat in my opinion works the best and is safer then putting in some med (thats just my opinion). Try to go out and a get a heater make sure you also get a thermometer. Ask someone for a little loan, ask nicely ;) .
are you sure that i have free floating ich in my tank? cause ich has 3 different stages and i caught it pretty early.. 1st - the stage where u can actually see if ur fish has ich or not-white spots appear(mucus/proteins that help the fish cope with the parasite). 2nd - the parasite has its fill of whatever it takes from the fish and drops to the bottom of the tank, covers itself in a lil protective sac THEN multiplies inside. 3rd - the free-swimming stage where the parasites come out and look for a host and the cycle starts again.. maybe the parasites were already in the neons its just that they didnt have the mucus covering around the ich yet so MAYBE they didnt multiply yet cuz wouldnt my other fish show signs of ich too? i know this probably made me sound really ignorant because im not listening to your advice(and im sorry, i dont wanna feel like wasted time to get a thermometer and doing all this extra stuff when i could of just left them inside the same tank and treated all of the fishes) even though i was looking for it but doesnt that kinna make sense?

thanks for the help peoples :thumbs:
it seems to be getting worse after the second day of treatment ..is this suppose to happen? should i give it more time before some disappearence begins?
You will have to wait until the parasite reaches its free-swimming stage before the medicine can do anything.


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