Aggressive Fish


Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
After being away for a week with a friend feeding the fish (they may well have been overfed and had less good quality water than normal), I came back to two angelfish having ulcers, one guppy dead with no tail, and most of the other guppies with damaged tails. Some have subsequently died.

I've posted about stocking levels before, and although I have lots of plants and filtration the tank was very busy so I have taken back 15 fish (platties and penguins) to the LFS and the tank feels much calmer now.

Anyway, my question is - it is likely that the damage to the angels and guppies was caused by the angels, or is the male kribensis a likely culprit? For now I have put him in my other tank to get rid of the snails, but I would appreciate your thoughts! Is it possible the guppies were just at the right age to pass away?



Species (225l tank):
Glass cats
Gourami (two golden, one male dwarf)
Kuhli loaches
i dont know but thats a heavily stocked tank. the male krib wouldnt be much of an issue if no females are present. i would imagine some kind of infection due to poor water quality is the issue. especially since you havent witnessed any agression before you went on holiday.

you have some real stocking issues
Hi Mark,
My bet is on the krib, mine was horrible. I saw her having a go at everyone when the lights were turned off and she went straight into solitary. :no: I hope she is satisfied with the new 125l tank I bought her!
Hi Mark,
My bet is on the krib, mine was horrible. I saw her having a go at everyone when the lights were turned off and she went straight into solitary. :no: I hope she is satisfied with the new 125l tank I bought her!

Interesting as we both got them from the same place! Maybe an aggressive batch, although he looks wonderful. I'll see how he gets on in the other tank I have put him in, and how the others get on with him not there.
Do you just have the one? I was thinking of getting a male to go with my mean and moody lady krib, maybe she will lighten up if she's getting some :lol: If you find you need to re-home him then (subject to them getting on!) I am planning to stock my new tank at the weekend.
Do you just have the one? I was thinking of getting a male to go with my mean and moody lady krib, maybe she will lighten up if she's getting some :lol: If you find you need to re-home him then (subject to them getting on!) I am planning to stock my new tank at the weekend.

- it may cheer her up a bit!

I'll see how he gets on in the other tank, am hoping that he will eat all the snails and not annoy the betta - may take you up on the offer though!
If he's ripping up guppies, I would be careful. Bettas are like red rags to mean fish :-(

Give it a trial and let me know, the option is there is you can't handle him any more. My tank has finished cycling so I'm just waiting until I can be bothered to do the final big water change now!

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