After a year...


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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It's hard to believe, but after having molly's and platy's for a year, I finally have babies!! :wub: :hyper:

I found three fry when I got home from work. I'm so excited! I love babies! lol

At what age can you determine their sex?
That's great! :D :cool: Congrats on your new fry! I think after about 2-3 months you can tell what sex they are, but if you really good and have lots of time and a magnifying glass, then about 2 or 3 weeks. I'm not really sure about that though. :unsure:
i dont believe it after a year with live bearers you have only just had fry firts of all let me say congrats to you and the little fish
how many you get?
as for the sex about 4 - 6 weeks then youll see them
mine are getting that way and you can see on some but not on others
well done again and congrats from me and my fish lol
Well, the female platy has been pregnant before. I bought her pregnant...she was a tiny little female (at the time lol) that was in with just males, so I felt sorry for her. I believe she aborted that batch because she didn't get much bigger after I got her, then got skinny again. The next time I believe she got pregnant, I think she either aborted again, or I was just not able to save any of the fry.

So far I only found three...which I consider lucky, since I have a few gobies and a dwarf puffer that are pretty verocious eaters.

I've tried putting the female in the breeder before, but she just gets so stressed out, I decided just to try my luck at saving as many fry as possible when she gave birth in the big tank.
:D Well, I didn't do anything, I would have more females than males though...keep the tank healthy/clean....feed them a variety of frozen, dried and flake food. That's about it. :D

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