African Frog Help! Asap

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Feb 28, 2009
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my african albino long clawed frog is dying, found him at the bottom of the tank on his back; its not using its back legs and got bloodshot fine, does anyone know whats wrong and how to save it?
Sounds like Red Leg. I have heard of frogs surviving this, but here is a bit of info I found on it.

Red Leg - Caused by Aeromonas hydrophila, Proteus hydrophilus and Pseudomonas hydrophilus. These types of bacteria are often present in the aquarium but do not affect the frog. The bacteria is opportunistic and attacks frogs which have a weak immune system or have been stressed. Ulcers and haemorrhages can often be seen in the legs and belly of the frogs, once these symptoms appear it is usually too late for the frog. The frogs suffering with red leg often die suddenly without warning. Symptoms of the disease include excess mucus production, skin discoloration and reddening of the belly and legs of the frog. Treaments that are effective include administering Tetracycline orally or using Baytril. Adding salt to the water while treatment is going on may increase survival rates of the frogs.
yeah i thought it was red leg, but he doesnt have red legs, nor are they any where near swollen, he LOOKS completely fine, except his eyes are bloodshot, his colour (well, albino yellowish) has come back a bit this morning and hes moving his front arms a bit. nothing else though.
ok cheers, just been to check on him and by the looks of it hes shedding his skin aswell, so maybe its something gone wrong with that?
frogs shouldn't shed there skin in large quanities there should be occasional stray bits which they can scratch off on the side of harder objects in the tank but nothing major.
mine does a full shed using his back legs to push it over his back and head, then him or the other fish eat it. this happens every couple of weeks and only lasts a few seconds. i read up on it and its common in this type of frog..
The shedding sounds normal, but do you think your frogs bumped into a sharp object in the tank?

Something about the eye doesnt sound normal or that behavior of being on it's back. You should do some bacterial treatment perhaps.
i was going to get some today but i woke up to find him dead,
had Mr #### for about 2 years.
thanks, i am to, but im sorting out a tank and im getting a pair in their own tank!

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