African Clawed Frogs


New Member
Mar 20, 2016
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Hi I am new to this forum, I hope someone can help.  I have two Albino African Clawed Frogs and I would love to buy another one or two to put in with them.  They have lived in a large 190 litre tank with my tropical fish for over 3 years, I bought the set up complete from a friend 3 years ago and the frogs were already in the tank.  They have been quite happy in there but recently I have wanted to put some treatments in the aquarium and realised I couldn't with the frogs in there so I have bought them there own 125 litre tank.  Does anyone know where I could buy some ACF's, I live in Cheshire but I am having problems finding anyone who sells them.
I live in Illinois and they are just now making a come back to us and iowa. Now selling candy or the tutti frutti frogs..they are really cheap compared to the normal acf. Normal ones are like 25-30$ the colored ones are under 10$. I miss my bud ugly so much. I bought a frog yesterday. I call her chicken wing!
Just bought another tutti frutti, my son noticed he has one eye missing. :( he is small.

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