So, I appear to have become a fishkeeper! Not that I mind as I've wanted fish for a while, but I appear to be have been thrown in at the deep end!
I came home from work about 2 months ago, to be told by girlfriend that our neighbour/her friend was getting rid of their aquarium (including fish) and that she'd said we'd have it; fine I thought, would be nice to have a little tank in the living room.
We go over to their house to be greeted by a huge 220L tank which is about the same size as our TV! Anyone, long story short, we drained about 75% of the water, and between 4 of us managed to carry it over to our house and set it up. Refilled it, and let it settle for about a month.
The tank was stocked with:
About a month ago, we decided we wanted some slightly more colourful fish, so we went to Pets At Home (big mistake!) and asked for some advice on what we could put in. They pointed out a selection of fish which would be fine, so we took their advice and got 6 neon tetras and 2 dalmatian mollies.
I'm sure many of you are either laughing or thinking "oh dear" at this point...
We followed the acclimation procedure - floated the bags in the tank for 30 mins, then gradually introducing tank water for a couple of hours before transferring the fish. Everything seemed fine, until the barbs started taking a bit too much of an interest in the Neons
When we saw one get swallowed whole, we decided it was probably a good idea to separate them, so we caught the neons in the bag they came in, and decided to go have a moan at Pets@Home...
I left this to my GF (she's better at the whole angry customer thing), and we ended up getting a free 19L tank to put the Neons in (although had to buy a heater/gravel for it).
So, it gets better - I was vaguely aware of the whole ammonia/nitrates/nitrites "thing", so I knew we wouldn't be able to just set up the little tank as it was and it be ok, so we filled it with water from the big tank and popped the Neons in.
The next morning, we had 3 left (out the 5 which hadn't been eaten); one was floating, the other stuck up against the filter intake, 2 of the other 3 were looking pretty unhealthy.
After lots of reading online, I came to the conclusion that it was probably ammonia poisoning - they had (red swollen gills). I did an immediate 90% water change (replacing with water from the big tank), and replace the new filter media in the the small tank's filter with a bit of foam from the big tank, but I think it was too late - over the day, the other 2 Neons deteriorated and died - strangely enough, the last one looked perfectly healthy, swimming around quite happily, no red gills (we thought it would be appropriate to name him Neo).
At this point we decided that keeping anything the second tank at this point was out of the question (having spent most of the night reading about the nitrogen cycle and understanding what was happening better). Having decided we would prefer to have a school (or 2) of smaller fish, and reading that the tinfoil barbs would potentially grow to 30cm+, we decided to donate them to the LFS, and put Neo back into the big tank, we did, and he was perfectly happy.
Roll on 2 weeks, and everyone was happy, but we felt that as a schooling fish, Neo needed some friends, so we went to the LFS and got 10 of them (so 11 in total), again, followed the acclimation procedure, all fine.
Being paranoid by this point, we counted the fish daily - a few days later, we noticed we were down to 10 Neons, checked everywhere, and found him inside the filter, took him out and he seemed fine. Another few days later, we were missing one again - looked everywhere, but this time he was just gone
We put this down to being a weak fish, and figured he'd died in the night and decayed/been munched by Mr Sucky Fish (pleco).
Roll on to last Sunday and I noticed some white spots (looking exactly like Ich) on one of the Phantoms, unfortunately being 4pm on a Sunday evening, the only place open was Pets@Home, so I had no choice but to get some medication from there - I've created another thread asking for help on this (apologies if cross-posting is not allowed!).
Anyway, background and introduction out of the way (sorry for the novel!), is there anything I'm doing/not doing which immediately screams "numpty" to the more experienced amongst you?
Starting to regret this, as its been a stressful couple of weeks, and I thought fish were supposed to be relaxing?! Don't want to be responsible for any more fishy deaths
I also have a query about our filter:
I believe the tank has a sump filter in the back of the tank?
It has a plastic sheet across the whole back of the tank, with a series of slots cut at the top on one side and a hole with a pipe in the other, behind that is a sealed off section with chambers with foam filters and bio balls:
It looks like this - imagine looking at the tank from the front (excuse my "artistic" skills):
Plastic sheet in the main tank:
Section behind:
Is the orange water level correct (the water level in the filter is lower than the main tank)?
I came home from work about 2 months ago, to be told by girlfriend that our neighbour/her friend was getting rid of their aquarium (including fish) and that she'd said we'd have it; fine I thought, would be nice to have a little tank in the living room.
We go over to their house to be greeted by a huge 220L tank which is about the same size as our TV! Anyone, long story short, we drained about 75% of the water, and between 4 of us managed to carry it over to our house and set it up. Refilled it, and let it settle for about a month.
The tank was stocked with:
- 8 x Black Phantom Tetras
- 3 x Tinfoil Barb
- 1 x Bristlenose Pleco
- 1 x Clown Loach
About a month ago, we decided we wanted some slightly more colourful fish, so we went to Pets At Home (big mistake!) and asked for some advice on what we could put in. They pointed out a selection of fish which would be fine, so we took their advice and got 6 neon tetras and 2 dalmatian mollies.
I'm sure many of you are either laughing or thinking "oh dear" at this point...
We followed the acclimation procedure - floated the bags in the tank for 30 mins, then gradually introducing tank water for a couple of hours before transferring the fish. Everything seemed fine, until the barbs started taking a bit too much of an interest in the Neons

When we saw one get swallowed whole, we decided it was probably a good idea to separate them, so we caught the neons in the bag they came in, and decided to go have a moan at Pets@Home...
I left this to my GF (she's better at the whole angry customer thing), and we ended up getting a free 19L tank to put the Neons in (although had to buy a heater/gravel for it).
So, it gets better - I was vaguely aware of the whole ammonia/nitrates/nitrites "thing", so I knew we wouldn't be able to just set up the little tank as it was and it be ok, so we filled it with water from the big tank and popped the Neons in.
The next morning, we had 3 left (out the 5 which hadn't been eaten); one was floating, the other stuck up against the filter intake, 2 of the other 3 were looking pretty unhealthy.
After lots of reading online, I came to the conclusion that it was probably ammonia poisoning - they had (red swollen gills). I did an immediate 90% water change (replacing with water from the big tank), and replace the new filter media in the the small tank's filter with a bit of foam from the big tank, but I think it was too late - over the day, the other 2 Neons deteriorated and died - strangely enough, the last one looked perfectly healthy, swimming around quite happily, no red gills (we thought it would be appropriate to name him Neo).
At this point we decided that keeping anything the second tank at this point was out of the question (having spent most of the night reading about the nitrogen cycle and understanding what was happening better). Having decided we would prefer to have a school (or 2) of smaller fish, and reading that the tinfoil barbs would potentially grow to 30cm+, we decided to donate them to the LFS, and put Neo back into the big tank, we did, and he was perfectly happy.
Roll on 2 weeks, and everyone was happy, but we felt that as a schooling fish, Neo needed some friends, so we went to the LFS and got 10 of them (so 11 in total), again, followed the acclimation procedure, all fine.
Being paranoid by this point, we counted the fish daily - a few days later, we noticed we were down to 10 Neons, checked everywhere, and found him inside the filter, took him out and he seemed fine. Another few days later, we were missing one again - looked everywhere, but this time he was just gone

We put this down to being a weak fish, and figured he'd died in the night and decayed/been munched by Mr Sucky Fish (pleco).
Roll on to last Sunday and I noticed some white spots (looking exactly like Ich) on one of the Phantoms, unfortunately being 4pm on a Sunday evening, the only place open was Pets@Home, so I had no choice but to get some medication from there - I've created another thread asking for help on this (apologies if cross-posting is not allowed!).
Anyway, background and introduction out of the way (sorry for the novel!), is there anything I'm doing/not doing which immediately screams "numpty" to the more experienced amongst you?
Starting to regret this, as its been a stressful couple of weeks, and I thought fish were supposed to be relaxing?! Don't want to be responsible for any more fishy deaths

I also have a query about our filter:
I believe the tank has a sump filter in the back of the tank?
It has a plastic sheet across the whole back of the tank, with a series of slots cut at the top on one side and a hole with a pipe in the other, behind that is a sealed off section with chambers with foam filters and bio balls:
It looks like this - imagine looking at the tank from the front (excuse my "artistic" skills):
Plastic sheet in the main tank:

Section behind:

Is the orange water level correct (the water level in the filter is lower than the main tank)?