Advice On Stocking Levels


New Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Hi All,

I have a 260L (68 US Gallons) tank which has been set up approx 6 months. Water parameters are all good and I have had no major issues. I have 4 natural plants, a few artificial ones and a couple of decorations. Fish seem very happy and I have plenty of hiding places and shaded areas.

I am looking for advice on stocking levels. I know that I will need a bigger tank in time in order to keep the fish that I really want to (as they grow).

So far I have added,
- 6 boesemani rainbow
- 3 celebes rainbow (bought 6 and lost three in three days with no obvious reasons - haven't replaced and I'm not sure that I will)
- 6 clown loaches

Ideally, and to make my aquarium complete, I would like to add
- 4 to 6 Redline Torpedo Barbs / Denison Barbs (Ideally 4, but I gather they would do better in shoals of 6? How about 5? any issues with that?)
- 5 Glass Catfish (or Ghost Catfish)

As I said, I know I will need a larger aquarium in time and I am fully committed to doing that. My question is - based on buying all these fish at their juvenile sizes, will this be a suitable environment for the fish for 1.5 or 2 years? Or am I going to be overstocked from the get go.

I know the Clown Loaches are the big guys in terms of space needed but they are definitely my favourite fish and bring a lot to the aquarium - they are doing very well at the moment.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


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