Peter C
Fish Crazy
Currently got a fluval 106 in my main tank
Looking at gettin an external for my other tank
Obv I have the 106
But iv seen tetra and a few other makes like eheim, aqua one etc
Are there any that tower above the rest?
My tank is a 45L / 50L bow front
I don't mind having a larger, more powerful filter if it only means another tenner!
Any I should avoid like the plague?
Cheers in advance
Looking at gettin an external for my other tank
Obv I have the 106
But iv seen tetra and a few other makes like eheim, aqua one etc
Are there any that tower above the rest?
My tank is a 45L / 50L bow front
I don't mind having a larger, more powerful filter if it only means another tenner!
Any I should avoid like the plague?
Cheers in advance