Advice? Help? What Should I Do?!


New Member
Jul 28, 2012
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Here is whats going on

I have a 55 gallon with tetra, gourami, and some random fish that has a few live plants
I have a 10 gallon with 2 male betta
I have a 25 gallon with some tetra and guppies

I really want to fix up these tanks and make them fantastic but I can't decide what to do

I have a 200$ budget as well

Here are the possibilities:

1. I can get 5 discus for my 55 gallon and move out the tetra to my 25 gallon.. but they wouldn't all fit so I would have to give them away or get another tank.
I would also have to get more plants and plant growers and a water testing kit

2. I could get a 5-10 gallon and plant it very nicely.. Make it stunning and get another betta... preferably one of those beautiful butterfly half moons from thailand.. but they are extremely expensive though I found one for 30$ (if anyone knows of a cheaper place please tell me)

3. I could turn the 55 gallon into a sorority tank for female betta.. but then I would have to do something about my gourami and theyre too big for the 25 gallon. I would also have to plant the tank.

4. I could also get a 10-20 gallon and plant that nicely and get some other fish.

5. I could also get a betta breeding tank and then get a really cute pair.. but I would have to get a new tank for both of them and then get a ton of gallon jars for the fry.

I can't decide what to do!!!
Its killing me
can anyone offer me some advice?

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