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1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi, this is the first time this has ever happened to me-nothing on my netbook has been changed or on my firewall etc but in a few peoples posts, there is, what looks like an imageshak ad. Is it just imageshak not being able to show the pic? 

I know- I still haven't mastered screen shot :p 
It's only certain posts which is making me think it's that website. Anyone else having issues?
ive never had this problem before maybe on certain topics?
edit saw it on the july totm banner
That's exactly where I saw it lol. 
Hmm, no ads for me. 
I've just gone and looked at the July TOTM Banter and still see no ads.
What browser are you using?
That is wierd! I see it on all the posts that SLIM posts but only on my laptop which uses Firefox for the browser but not seeing it on my desktop which uses Internet Explorer. Wierd!
I use chrome-same as always!
stanleo that is weird lol 
Blondielovesfish said:
Hmm, I was thinking it might be the browser but I'm using chrome too.
Lol it's never simple, I have noticed it only on a few users sigs. I am leaning towards it being maybe something to do with imageshak?
Ny82 - I can't confirm this for sure but your internet provider may be injecting adverts into your content to make a bit of money on the side. It's possible and has happened before. Who provides your internet?
It's one of two things.
1. You aren't logged in properly. This forum does have ads but only for non-members. If it can't tell for some reason you are logged in then it will show them.
2. A virus on your computer. This is the most likely case due to the placement of the ads in the screen shot. The ads on the forum are not of the kind that cover the content.
I am with sky for tv and broadband. I have been with them, for almost 6 years. 
I have AVG 2013, just ran a scan but nothing was picked up. Funnily enough though, I am back home now, logged out then back in and it's not doing it. I have been at my parents all week, they are with BT. 
My first bit of advice, it's an extension you download for Chrome that automatically blocks ads -
Second of all, where the notebook has a much smaller display, sometimes it can have problems adjusting the size of web pages to fit correctly on the screen so it comes out all gobbledy gook.
Thirdly, AVG is a load of a poop so there is great possibility of a virus and AVG does not cover all virus types nor is especially good at picking up anything that isn't directly "in its face".
It's always worth spending that bit extra on a reliable named brand (then again, not Norton either).
The free versions rubbish, the full versions has been fine. AVG is a well known name, everyone I know has it I upgraded it last year and it's been great. 
I think the netbook thing is more reasonable. 
Ny82 said:
The free versions rubbish, the full versions has been fine. AVG is a well known name, everyone I know has it I upgraded it last year and it's been great. 
I think the netbook thing is more reasonable. 
If you pay for it then it's much better as the full version, I was referring to the free one.
Yes the free one is rubbish! I was the mug who paid for it lol 

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