So I'm looking for something new and interesting to add, safe of course to other fish in tank, that will add interest back to the tank. It's planted and will be adding more soon, current stocking is
Breeding trio of rosy barbs
Breeding pair of bristlenoses
5 platys
8 neons
15 endlers
11 swordtail fry
1 sailfin Molly
2 baby bristlenoses
10 corydoras.
It's 55 gal ph 7-7.5 temp 24 degrees
Breeding trio of rosy barbs
Breeding pair of bristlenoses
5 platys
8 neons
15 endlers
11 swordtail fry
1 sailfin Molly
2 baby bristlenoses
10 corydoras.
It's 55 gal ph 7-7.5 temp 24 degrees