Addition Stocking To This Tank Ideas Please?


Fish Crazy
Nov 10, 2013
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So I'm looking for something new and interesting to add, safe of course to other fish in tank, that will add interest back to the tank. It's planted and will be adding more soon, current stocking is
Breeding trio of rosy barbs
Breeding pair of bristlenoses
5 platys
8 neons
15 endlers
11 swordtail fry
1 sailfin Molly
2 baby bristlenoses
10 corydoras.
It's 55 gal ph 7-7.5 temp 24 degrees
If I were you I'd start by moving on the baby bristlenoses, but a good addition to that group would be neon dwarf rainbowfish. (Melanotaenia praecox)
Barbs and platys tend to be fin nippers, so you may have an issue with the sailfin molly in this grouping.  Plus, mollies prefer to be in schools, having just one is not healthy for that one.  They feel safer in schools, so they have less stress and live longer.
Have you considered your cleanup crew?  A few zebra and / or tiger nerite snails would do nicely in this setting.  They may lay eggs, but the eggs won't hatch as they need brackish water for that; so you won't be over run with snails.
Which corydoras do you have?  Aeneus?  Bronze, yellow, albino, some of each?  Those will grow to 3 inches, and you have 10, so that is a good sized bioload right there.  (I have 11, 4 bronze the rest albino, in my 50 gallon). 
However if you have pandas, those will be smaller when full grown.  You need to think on the adult size before you add much more.
I have bronze and Venezuelan orange, 6 orange the rest bronze. I will add a male and female Molly for her to have company, I think rainbowfish is a great idea!! I have a shrimp tank currently cycling and my lfs has got otos in for once in a blue moon so I really think I should get them but would they survive like just a couple of weeks in this current stocking or should I put them elsewhere?
I have otos.  They are nice fish, but lots of work.  They are vegetarians, so I am constantly shopping and cooking for them!  You can't expect them to survive on algae and algae wafers; they won't  They need zucchini and kale, which you must blanch first to soften them up.  Then dunk in ice water, and find a way to weight them down in the tank.  You can't leave the veggies in for more than 12 to 15 hours, because as they decay they mess up water parameters.  I also give them sweet potato, banana, plus occasionally a cucumber as a treat.  Cucumber has no nutritional value for them, it is sort of like candy for us -- something we enjoy but get no benefit from it.
So I have to put in catfish pellets for my corys, betta bites for my male betta, flake food for my tetras, danios and rasboras, and veggies for my otos.  The mystery snails also love the veggies.
Check out otocinclus on, if I remember right they are a schooling fish so you will need at least 8  (I have 12).

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