Addition Pf Keyhole Cihlids


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2012
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So after much consideration and a decent bit of research and high praise I picked up 4 little keyhole for my community tank....

They were for sale at 4quid each or two for 7quid. So with the part exchange of my wives most favorite silver / bala sharks and a tub of prima it cost me a grand total of £11.

But then I show them to my wife who declares them the uglyest fish ever and that she shouldn't be left alone with them for their safety :-/.

I've got a couple around the size of a 2 pound coin and two a bit bigger.

Tank mates are
15 cardinals
5black skirt tetra
2 white skirt tetra
1 pepper cory

Moderately planted with some bog wood and other decor.

Plans are for another bag of play sand
Variety of plants
Extra wood and some rock caves of some sort.
She will grow to like them once they mature :)
I should hope she does, no idea on growth rate but if its like the sharks they will be giants in 3 months :)


Bad picture I'm afraid but once the tank is clean ill get a few.

This is a few months old but its still got the same wood, ship and plants
Great choice! :good: Keyholes are easily my favourite cichlid. They're so under-rated compared to the sparkly colourful cichlids, but they are the sweetest things going! They have lovely personalities and are funny to watch when doing their shimmy dance for each other :D Once mature they show fantastic colourations depending on their mood too.
One seems to have settled down in a patch of cabomba I have to one side. I need to add to this side as its all cabomba plant mass.

Another is chilling out under the wood on the opposite side, which has access for them from both sides

And the other two seem to be happily swimming around checking the place out. they seem interested in the central sunken war ship

I'm very pleased so far with them, the tank feels more active although we are missing the presence of the silver sharks.

They did dominate the free swimming space
Glad you're happy with them Chris. Once they have settled in you will love them even more and your better half will too. They are the best fish I own.
Ill be curious to hear more fish and wife updates. ;) And more photos! I love dwarves and have thought about keyholes but their coloration didn't do it for me as much so I've not had any.

They are the best fish I own.
Would you mind elaborating on this a bit?
Great little fish. I've loved watching mine. Enjoy!
And if it keeps the missus away for a while....enjoy ;)
They are nice peaceful Cichlids.
Am sure your wife will come around :rolleyes:
Ill be curious to hear more fish and wife updates. ;) And more photos! I love dwarves and have thought about keyholes but their coloration didn't do it for me as much so I've not had any.

They are the best fish I own.
Would you mind elaborating on this a bit?

Easy going
Easy to keep
Easy to feed
Hi I have 3 in my tank , bought them when really small a few months ago all males thoe but no problems with this . They all ways come up to the glass when I get near and have nibbled at an algea wafer will holding it , lots of personality and really peacfull with all my other fish including my guppies . Great choice :good:
They seem to have settled in well with two sharing the inside of the sunken ship and the other two staying close too and under the wood.

Only one was really eating yesterday but this morning they have been scraping over the prima granuals.

I've got a decent sized water change and clean up planned for tonight, the lfs tested the sample I took in for ammonia and said it was good.
But I think I need to start testing myself as soon as I have enough change kicking about for the solution.




I have a video uploading now,

Hopefully video will work, sorry about the child screaming in the background... Volume down!

Any recommendations for re-scaping would be much appreciated. :)

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