Adding pygmy cories


New Member
Oct 10, 2016
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I've had my betta in small tanks with other fish before. No problem with carefully selected fish. I don't remember what type of filter I had then, but I've gotten a 3.5 gallon tank and have put a betta and 6 pygmy corydoras in it and I can't find a filter slow enough for the betta. They are all too strong.

Do you know of filter than will work in a 3.5 gallon tank? Not an "up to 10 gallons" filter. Those are too strong.

Do I need to remove the cories if I can go without a filter?

Thank you
I would remove the cories because the tank is not big enough for them (minimum tank footprint 18 x 12 inches, 45 x 30 cm), and because bettas prefer warmer water than pygmy cories. Pygmy cories are also a species that seems to do better with more of them than is usually recommended for cories and there won't be room for 8 to 10 in a tank that size.

As for a filter, try a sponge filter powered by an air pump. That's what I use in my betta's 26 litre (7 US gall) tank. I have a splitter in the tubing which I use to control the amount of air going through the sponge, and this controls the water flow rate.
I've had my betta in small tanks with other fish before. No problem with carefully selected fish. I don't remember what type of filter I had then, but I've gotten a 3.5 gallon tank and have put a betta and 6 pygmy corydoras in it and I can't find a filter slow enough for the betta. They are all too strong.

Do you know of filter than will work in a 3.5 gallon tank? Not an "up to 10 gallons" filter. Those are too strong.

Do I need to remove the cories if I can go without a filter?

Thank you
Just to add, 3.5 gallons is way too small for a betta. The minimum size needed for a betta is 5 gallons. Just because a betta can survive in a tiny tank does not mean they thrive.

Thank you. That is good advice. I've never had a betta in this small of a tank at 3.5 gallons. I bought this one because I was told it was 7.5 gallons. I'm buying him an established 5 gallon tonight. Can't wait to put the little guy in it!

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