A Question About Shrimps

They would get together fine, but be careful about buying red nose shrimp. As you have probably read, if they seem to have any sort of milky look to them rather than the normal glass-like appearance, they will just die. Only buy 100% healthy ones :good: .
Would these two be ok with 2/3 killi fish or would they be vulnerable?
I guess it depends on the type of killi fish, i don't know much about killi fish.
As long as they wont fit in the killies mouths and you give them hiding spaces for when they moult, then they will be fine :good: .
My only experience of those two shrimp is that they are hard to come by. Sometimes you can find the odd yellow-nose shrimp in a shipment of other shrimp though. I've never seen a ninja shrimp.
Clown killies will be fine :).
One slight thing though, your ph is your water? On that fishbase link it seems to suggest clown killies need soft water and usually shrimps need hard water to maintain there shells i believe.
Alot of shrimp do great in soft acidic water though, some apparently even need it. Petshrimp.com gives a good indication of which.

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