I recently changed to the JBL test kit from the API and I've discovered a major flaw with it tonight.
I found a dead fish this morning (old age, he was also blind so it was a blessing) and then tonight I found another (a casualty of the heat wave I suspect) and so this prompted me to do a water test. I had zero Ammonia, a slight trace of Nitrite and 40 Nitrate. My first thought was 'I'll do a water change in the morning and lower that Nitrate'. I then took a phone call for 5 minutes and then glanced at the test tubes again ... Nitrite had gone up massively. From a slight reading to 1ppm.... out came the buckets. I did 60 litres to begin with and re-tested - first of all it came out as zero then my phone rang again ... and over the 10 minutes I was on the phone I watched the test tube slowly go pinker ... and pinker (it's supposed to be creamy coloured) ... in the end I made my excuses on the phone and got the buckets back out and did another 60 litres. I re-tested again and got zero again .... this time I got the booklet out though and it said to read it after 3 minutes. I timed it exactly and it was a definite zero but I left it to sit for a further 3 minutes and over that time it slowly turned pink giving me a reading of 1ppm
There is no way it could possibly be 1ppm after 120 litres of clean water!!
I just wanted to warn other JBL test kit users to beware of these false readings. I will be going back to API as soon as this kit is used up
A side note: the deaths have nothing to do with bad practices. I have had most of my fish for around 4 to 5 years and now they are slowly dying of old age. The second death was a cory unable to cope with the high temps I've had due to a heat wave. Please can we not make an issue of it. Thank you
I found a dead fish this morning (old age, he was also blind so it was a blessing) and then tonight I found another (a casualty of the heat wave I suspect) and so this prompted me to do a water test. I had zero Ammonia, a slight trace of Nitrite and 40 Nitrate. My first thought was 'I'll do a water change in the morning and lower that Nitrate'. I then took a phone call for 5 minutes and then glanced at the test tubes again ... Nitrite had gone up massively. From a slight reading to 1ppm.... out came the buckets. I did 60 litres to begin with and re-tested - first of all it came out as zero then my phone rang again ... and over the 10 minutes I was on the phone I watched the test tube slowly go pinker ... and pinker (it's supposed to be creamy coloured) ... in the end I made my excuses on the phone and got the buckets back out and did another 60 litres. I re-tested again and got zero again .... this time I got the booklet out though and it said to read it after 3 minutes. I timed it exactly and it was a definite zero but I left it to sit for a further 3 minutes and over that time it slowly turned pink giving me a reading of 1ppm
There is no way it could possibly be 1ppm after 120 litres of clean water!!
I just wanted to warn other JBL test kit users to beware of these false readings. I will be going back to API as soon as this kit is used up
A side note: the deaths have nothing to do with bad practices. I have had most of my fish for around 4 to 5 years and now they are slowly dying of old age. The second death was a cory unable to cope with the high temps I've had due to a heat wave. Please can we not make an issue of it. Thank you