A North American Theme Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
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New Hampshire, USA
I was thinking about maybe a future project. And then the idea hit me! A North American themed tank! 
I was thinking a 55 gallon! Now here'swhere its an oddball! Would Bluegill work? like 3 or 4? Has anyone done bluegill? Could it be done? I would feed them feeder guppies and worms and shrimp. Would any other US native fish be able to join them?
For plants i was thinking Hornwort and a water lily.  Any other ideas? What do you think?
I have kept blue gills and larg mouth bass in aquariums before and they do just fine they are actually very hearty fish.
Any plants will work as long as they aren't to sensitive as the blue gills tend to rush around the tank and will rip soft plants.
I would go with lots of wood if you can get one a branch from a tree works great and looks really cool and natural.
For food I gave mine worms, corn and peas, and once in a while a feeder fish they will eat just about anything including tiny meat scraps which are a good treat.
For a substrate medium size gravel is good or a sand gravel mix looks nice to.
Something to keep in mind if you intend on catching the fish from the wild which is what I did make sure you know what temp the water is and make the tank that so as not to shock them at fist over a couple of days you can bump it up to 77-78 degrees and they will be ok.
Let me know if I left anything out that you want to know :)
wow thanks a lot! What other fish could i put in there? think I could put a Pickerel? They fascinate me! And I wonder if a crayfish would work? I live in New England and Lakes here are FILLED with bluegill, pass, pickerel, and perch. Oh a perch would look good! Do you know if a Perch would work? 
I think a pickerel would get to big I'd stay with bluegill and perch but probably just one or the other as they will fight.
I don't know anything about crayfish but I'd say if it's big enough not to get eaten by the perch or bluegill then it would work fine to. Can't hurt to try :)
If it was me I'd go with 3 small bluegill as they are my favorite out of them all but it's up to you of corse.

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