A Large Odd Ball To Go With Community Fish.


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
south shields
Is their any odd balls that are large but non predatory which could go in a 1000liter 10ft tank that is stocked a couple of shoals of fish from neons, to rainbows, to yoyo loaches. (the neons are the smallest fish in their)

I would like it to get pretty large and preferably lower water dwelling. I was thinking elephant fish from the top of my head, but i have no idea how large these get, or their requirements. But befor researching could anyone suggest anything for me to look into.

Is their any odd balls that are large but non predatory which could go in a 1000liter 10ft tank that is stocked a couple of shoals of fish from neons, to rainbows, to yoyo loaches. (the neons are the smallest fish in their)

I would like it to get pretty large and preferably lower water dwelling. I was thinking elephant fish from the top of my head, but i have no idea how large these get, or their requirements. But befor researching could anyone suggest anything for me to look into.

where are the pics of this tank with fish in, our have you not uploaded any?.
Is their any odd balls that are large but non predatory which could go in a 1000liter 10ft tank that is stocked a couple of shoals of fish from neons, to rainbows, to yoyo loaches. (the neons are the smallest fish in their)

I would like it to get pretty large and preferably lower water dwelling. I was thinking elephant fish from the top of my head, but i have no idea how large these get, or their requirements. But befor researching could anyone suggest anything for me to look into.

where are the pics of this tank with fish in, our have you not uploaded any?.

I havent really uploaded any i dont think.... i will put some on tonight of what i have got, which are not good. But anyways better than nothing, its looking impressive like. Current stock stands at 45neons, 30 zebra danio, 20 platy, 20-30 columbian tetra, 10 madagascan rainbows (want more), 5 giant danios (want more), 6 angel fish, 10 yo yo loaches, 15 bronze cory, 6 nanacara anomela (however you spell it) dwarf golden cichlids), and the two large plecos, 1 is a gibby and one just a common, but want to swap them out for 3 gold nuggets or something. oh and a couple of stray flying foxes that where in a bag of #105### extra and the resident albino ruby shark. The angels take mid-top water centre stage and tend to stick together, and the other shoals of fish stick together, then feeding time comes and its madness, but the cichlids just potter mongst the wood and rocks, the loaches scour about the bottom... all in all its nice display tank for the gym.

But something big, odd, eye catching as a centre piece is what i'm after now, apart from adding numbers to the rainbows and danios.
Is their any odd balls that are large but non predatory which could go in a 1000liter 10ft tank that is stocked a couple of shoals of fish from neons, to rainbows, to yoyo loaches. (the neons are the smallest fish in their)

I would like it to get pretty large and preferably lower water dwelling. I was thinking elephant fish from the top of my head, but i have no idea how large these get, or their requirements. But befor researching could anyone suggest anything for me to look into.

where are the pics of this tank with fish in, our have you not uploaded any?.

I havent really uploaded any i dont think.... i will put some on tonight of what i have got, which are not good. But anyways better than nothing, its looking impressive like. Current stock stands at 45neons, 30 zebra danio, 20 platy, 20-30 columbian tetra, 10 madagascan rainbows (want more), 5 giant danios (want more), 6 angel fish, 10 yo yo loaches, 15 bronze cory, 6 nanacara anomela (however you spell it) dwarf golden cichlids), and the two large plecos, 1 is a gibby and one just a common, but want to swap them out for 3 gold nuggets or something. oh and a couple of stray flying foxes that where in a bag of #105### extra and the resident albino ruby shark. The angels take mid-top water centre stage and tend to stick together, and the other shoals of fish stick together, then feeding time comes and its madness, but the cichlids just potter mongst the wood and rocks, the loaches scour about the bottom... all in all its nice display tank for the gym.

But something big, odd, eye catching as a centre piece is what i'm after now, apart from adding numbers to the rainbows and danios.
sounds good, and did you switch it to sand to have the corys? and wont the angels eat the neons once they are big enough.
I was going to suggest elephantnoses. In a 10' tank you could probably get away with 5-8 of them.
Is their any odd balls that are large but non predatory which could go in a 1000liter 10ft tank that is stocked a couple of shoals of fish from neons, to rainbows, to yoyo loaches. (the neons are the smallest fish in their)

I would like it to get pretty large and preferably lower water dwelling. I was thinking elephant fish from the top of my head, but i have no idea how large these get, or their requirements. But befor researching could anyone suggest anything for me to look into.

where are the pics of this tank with fish in, our have you not uploaded any?.

I havent really uploaded any i dont think.... i will put some on tonight of what i have got, which are not good. But anyways better than nothing, its looking impressive like. Current stock stands at 45neons, 30 zebra danio, 20 platy, 20-30 columbian tetra, 10 madagascan rainbows (want more), 5 giant danios (want more), 6 angel fish, 10 yo yo loaches, 15 bronze cory, 6 nanacara anomela (however you spell it) dwarf golden cichlids), and the two large plecos, 1 is a gibby and one just a common, but want to swap them out for 3 gold nuggets or something. oh and a couple of stray flying foxes that where in a bag of #105### extra and the resident albino ruby shark. The angels take mid-top water centre stage and tend to stick together, and the other shoals of fish stick together, then feeding time comes and its madness, but the cichlids just potter mongst the wood and rocks, the loaches scour about the bottom... all in all its nice display tank for the gym.

But something big, odd, eye catching as a centre piece is what i'm after now, apart from adding numbers to the rainbows and danios.
sounds good, and did you switch it to sand to have the corys? and wont the angels eat the neons once they are big enough.

Maybes they will, maybes they wont... people seem to have mixed results, the angels where just over 1" tall when i 1st put them in, so hopefully they still regard the neons as too big to eat when older, also their is only 6 angels, and a 10ft long tank their should be loads of space for them to escape. But if they get eaten, they get eaten! then i may add some sort of Geophagus, or other larger SA cichlids which would defo eat the neons. The corys i got off a guy who tank bred them in gravel tanks, and has done for years, so figured they would be fine.
got a pic of this badboy?

Here is a link to a topic i have just started. If i wasnt so lazy i would right a proper blog... but i'm lazy :)

I will spend a bit time on sunday or something to get some good photos. Possibly bit of a write up.

A good sized group (at least 10) of Brochis splendens (Emerald Brochis) or Megalechis thoracata (Hoplo Catfish)?

A rescued/returned Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps/pardalis or alike?

A bit more risky in case they ever bred, but I have found Steatocranus tinanti (Slender Lionhead Cichlid) to be far more community friendly than my Steatocranus casuarius. I have my tinanti duo in a 4-foot with ~4cm Pareutropius; 4cm Hageni Halfbeak youngster; 5cm Dwarf Chain Loaches; Microsynodontis sp. 1/batesii/polli amonst others and they are pretty well behaved. Oddly enough, they seem to challenge/bully bigger tankmates, I had to removed my 4 Hoplos and and my Weather Loach because they were getting their fins spitefully nipped relentlessly! Yet these same two are submissive to my slightly territorial ~5cm Chaetostoma cf. L445!
A good sized group (at least 10) of Brochis splendens (Emerald Brochis) or Megalechis thoracata (Hoplo Catfish)?

A rescued/returned Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps/pardalis or alike?

A bit more risky in case they ever bred, but I have found Steatocranus tinanti (Slender Lionhead Cichlid) to be far more community friendly than my Steatocranus casuarius. I have my tinanti duo in a 4-foot with ~4cm Pareutropius; 4cm Hageni Halfbeak youngster; 5cm Dwarf Chain Loaches; Microsynodontis sp. 1/batesii/polli amonst others and they are pretty well behaved. Oddly enough, they seem to challenge/bully bigger tankmates, I had to removed my 4 Hoplos and and my Weather Loach because they were getting their fins spitefully nipped relentlessly! Yet these same two are submissive to my slightly territorial ~5cm Chaetostoma cf. L445!

I was thinking along the lines of something 20-30cm or maybes more. Their is already 2 large plecos in their, one a gibby/sailfin, other just a common. But i would like to give them away/sell them and buy 3 blue or green phantoms or a royal plec.

Anyone had luck with some of the geophagus spp. They have a mixed reputaion with smaller fish. Earth eaters suggest otherwise, but from what i hear they are still quite predatory. Although it is a big enough tank if the smaller fish are fast enough... but I dont want to risk it tbh
If this is the community tank that I think it is, keeping the existing gibbiceps will be far hardier than your other catfish ideas, plus it would be an excellent demonstration of how big those cute sailfin babies grow and how much space they really deserve... It might well make more than a few budding aquarists who see the tank have second thoughts about what to buy for a far more common/modest sized tank.

It might be a risk with Neon Tetra, but another possibility is a single Synodontis notata. These guys reach ~25cm SL (nearly 30cm with their flowing caudal fin) and unusally for a syno, these catfish are diurnal and midwater swimming, providing you do not have bright lighting on this tank. I have a ~25cm TL specimen who pootles around his tank a fair bit in the daytime, albeit he is a bit grumpy since his move indoors last week out of the 5x2x2.
geos would work or some uaru

I have never herd of Uara cichlids befor, but a quick google makes them look prime for the job, so going to have a little scout for them.

The Synodontis notata are good looking cats, i usually dont like syno's but that species is almost cute, and have seen them befor and never thought much other thank... they will eat everything, but looking at them properly their mouths are a funny shape so more community friendly than i 1st thought.

The gibby (L083) is already an impressive fish, since i took looking after the tank it has became a great specimen. The other is a common plec (L21) is less so both are around the same size of 12" at the moment, but in that tank, i wouldnt not be suprised if they double that size eventually.
the uaru you probably looked at were uaru.a if your budget is higher a lot higher

you may want to look at uaru.f they are very rare but are now being captive bred so prices are coming down

i had a big shoal of 14 when they were costing £125 each they are the best looking cichlid around in my eyes


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