A Few Questions


New Member
Sep 4, 2012
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I have recently started a tank about a week ago a 20 gallon high. I am running a bio wheel 200 in it up to 50 gallons capacoty and a 20 gallon heater.

I have 3 rummy nose tetras
2 rainbow peacox
1 red platy wag
1 blue coral tetra
And 1 dwarf gourami

I am looking to add 2 more fish I'm thinking a black angel fish and a bristle nose pleco (yellow) is this possible. I also want to add a few shrimp could I do that?
The tank isn't cycled. Don't add any more fish!
I suggest you read this topic: Read the articles under cycling.
The ammonia build up in the tank will build up and become toxic if you add any more fish.
Go out and buy a liquid test kit and test your water daily and be prepared to do daily water changes to make sure the fish you have don't get ammonia poisoning.

Besides the not cycling:
20 gal is too small for an Angle fish as far as I know. There may be subspecies of angel you can try (But I'm no expert on Angels) so I'd wait for someone else on the angel but I don't think that will work.

A BNP should be fine. If you can find a color variant you like go for it, but keep in mind that you NEED bog wood and some sort of cave decoration for said BNP to hide in.
What KrystaK said regarding cycling + your rainbows and tetras are shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of at least six or more. But don't add them yet, only after you finished the cycling.

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