A Few Pictures Of My Fishh


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2012
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My 30 gallon tank with mollys and angels. My rope fish thats in my other 30 gallon tank :)


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The angels aren't aggressive? I was thinking about getting a few angels to put in my 60 gallon with my platies and guppies and neons.
No, not really. Once in a while their aggressive towards each other, but not the other fish. I even have 2 guppies i bought to feed the rope fish before i moved him and their still in there with the angles! I'd say they'd be fine :D
that rope fish will need a bigger tank eventually, they grow to over a foot long.

neons are a natural prey to angels in the wild.....although many people keep them togehter in the same tank with no issues. There is a theory that if the neons are added to the tank first, and then juvenile angels introduced, the angels will grow up not seeing the neons as food.

......this has worked for me, but it is no guarentee of success.
I'm hoping to upgrade to at least a 75 gallon tank within the next couple months! Thank you :) Just wanted to show him off, haven't seen many on here or anywhere for that matter..
About how many angels should I get? I hear they like to be in groups of 4-5? Not sure. Any advice would be great!
About how many angels should I get? I hear they like to be in groups of 4-5? Not sure. Any advice would be great!
Start with at least 6 juveniles and let them grow up together and then keep a pair or two that should form.
Yes I would agree, 4-6 would be advised. I was only given 2 so i'm looking to introduce 4 more. Its better if you let them grow up together as they will pair up and their picky. So I would get maybe six, I'm having a harder time now because the ones at the LFS are very small and mine are basically full grown, i wish they all could have grown up together.

Make sure their lively at the store, I would advise you wait for new ones or try somewhere else if their not moving around alot. Their very fragile when young!

I hope this helps, angels are so beautiful! :good:
ty for all the advice! I think angels are beautiful, I'm hoping to find a nice piece of wood to put in there, it's a 60gal tank, I feel like it's not "filled" enough. I have 2 large plants in the back and an Anubias, also just got some green crypts. Hopefully soon I will get some more taller plants for the background. I'll post a pic if I can, right now a huge storm knocked my power out so I can't get a picture of it. I'm not even home, I go home to aerate my tanks and feed the fish...lol
Your welcome :) I would highly recommend you quarantine them for a while before putting them in the main tank also. I've had bad experiences with fish coming from the store with disease. A few new fish
could kill all the fish you already have, which you may already know! Just letting you know my experience..

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