Mine are yellow coloured, the male is gold as you describe. Yes, mine does have black on his throat all the time, but there is more of it and it's more intense when he's 'in the mood'. Though the black isn't as extensive as in the wild coloured males I've had in the past.
In my experience, breeding goes - male displays to female, she ignores him; then she follows him a short way and turns away; then she follows him to the bubble nest and swims off; finally they spawn. This can take a few days. The male does get a bit exasperated when the female turns away and he gives chase, but apart from a few nips in the tail which heal quickly, no damage has been caused to the females.
My current male builds his nest behind the spray bar, all clumps of bubbles spread out with bits of salvinia between the clumps. I had one honey male years ago who never made a bubble nest, he just put them round the heater cable and surface tension held them in place.