95 Litre/ 25 Gallon Community Tank Overstocked?!


New Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Hi, I have a 25 gallon/97 litre community tank set up which I am planning to stock in the next couple of months. Would these fish be okay, or would it be overstocked?? It is a fairly well planted tank, with soft to mildy hard water conditions. These are the fish I was thinking of introducing:

6 Panda Corydoras Catfish
6 Neon Tetra
8 Harelquin Rasbora
1 Bolivian Ram Cichlid
1 Honey Gourami

If this would be overstocked would it be a good idea to either replace the Harlequins with another shoal of six tetra species or to just up the neons to 10?

Any advice would be great, thanks! :good:
No, you wouldn't be overstocking.

However, in a tank that size, I would go for one shoaling fish rather than two, and have more of the one species. They look much more impressive and act more naturally in larger numbers.

I'd be inclined to go with the harlequins, if I were you; neons are notorious for doing very poorly in new tanks, even when they're properly cycled.
No, you wouldn't be overstocking.

However, in a tank that size, I would go for one shoaling fish rather than two, and have more of the one species. They look much more impressive and act more naturally in larger numbers.

I'd be inclined to go with the harlequins, if I were you; neons are notorious for doing very poorly in new tanks, even when they're properly cycled.

Thanks! I'll be sure to go with around 10-12 Harlequins then. :D
Good choice; lovely little fish :)

Oh, and do have a sand substrate, if you want panda cories; they love to dig their noses into it and snuffle about ;)
Thats a similar set up to what I was looking at :

Sorry to thread jack but :

Would a shoal of black neon tetras work here ?

I'm thinking colour wise they would be too similar to the Corys.

Do you need to have such a large shoal of Corys, could you get away with 3/4 ?

Do Gourami's happily exist singly, could I have 1 Honey and 1 sparkling ?

I think what you need to remember is, is that fish have evolved to live, with few exceptions, in one of three ways.

Either they live in shoals of hundreds, or even thousands, relying on each other for protection. When people say keep shoalers in a minimum of six, that really is the very lowest acceptable number. Most people who've kept them in numbers over a dozen would agree that their behaviour is very different when kept in those larger numbers.

Or they live as fairly solitary individuals, only coming into contact with other fish of their own species to breed, possibly only at yearly intervals. Those fish tend to be aggressive towards their own species, and others that are very similar. Dwarf/honey gouramis are one of those fish. If the tank is fairly large and well planted, you might get away with a male and two female honey or dwarf gouramis, but they would very likely be aggressive towards other gourami species

Or finally, they live in small groups, or mixed sexes. Sparkling gourmais are one of those, so wouldn't be happy on their own, although they don't need as many individuals as a 'true' shoaler, like neons or harlequins.
That answers the Cory question. I'll consider a group of 6. Wonder why the lfs sells either 1 or groups of 4?

Have to get my thinking cap on again really Gouramis.
sorry but you mght be over stocked, panda corys need about 2 gallons per fish, if they reach max size of about 2 inches, 6 neon tetras need 6 gallons, bolivian ram needs 10 us gallons because they like there space, so i think you would be serously overstocked with just the fish i mentioned, but if you want you could go with 1 honey gouramis, 6 panda corys, an 6 or 8 ember tetras since they are small and only grow to be about 2 cm, and also that tank would also be overcrowded with all the schooling fish

some people may disagree, but i think it really is overstocked
well i you had pygmy cories and you got rid of the honey gourami, and hatchet fish, then you should be able to have about 8 or maybe 10

i mean if not i
sorry but you mght be over stocked, panda corys need about 2 gallons per fish, if they reach max size of about 2 inches, 6 neon tetras need 6 gallons, bolivian ram needs 10 us gallons because they like there space, so i think you would be serously overstocked with just the fish i mentioned, but if you want you could go with 1 honey gouramis, 6 panda corys, an 6 or 8 ember tetras since they are small and only grow to be about 2 cm, and also that tank would also be overcrowded with all the schooling fish

some people may disagree, but i think it really is overstocked

The 1" per gallon rule is not a rule but a guideline.
This is the same as 1cm per 2 litres,

neither take into account oxygen transfer into the water nor the swimming space available.
Harlequins are lovely i have them, and if your going to keep corys get 6 or more. My suggestion for you would be:

10 Harlequins
6 Panda Corys
4 Boesemani Rainbowfish
Harlequins are lovely i have them, and if your going to keep corys get 6 or more. My suggestion for you would be:

10 Harlequins
6 Panda Corys
4 Boesemani Rainbowfish
that would work, but idk about rainbowfish, ive never had any experience with them

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