85 Litre Stocking

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2010
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I have a 85 litre fluval fresh 60x35x45cm ph 7 and would like some stocking ideas so far I've decided on 15 neons and a honey gourami I want something for the bottom of the tank but not sure what yet any ideas ?
The honey gourami is a top dweller, you've got neons for the middle, so a bottom dweller would be a good idea.
Catfish are the obvious candidate, but you need to ensure that you don't overstock too much. If you wanted to take Munroco's suggestion, it would be easy to do so, as cories need to be in a group of at least 6, and I would be uncomfortable with 6 of the larger species in your tank. Panda cories would be OK, they being a smaller size, and definitely fine would be the dwarf species, c.habrosus and c.hastatus. My personal favourite are the habrosus, often called Salt & Pepper Cories in the shops.
An alternative would be 3 or 4 bristlenose plecs
If you didn't fancy a catfish, then 4 peacock gudgeon would be superb, if you got 2 males and 2 females, and give them some caves, you might find them breeding.
I decided to get a pair of apistogramma agassizii
IMO yoyo loaches,cories and kuhuli loaches are all fun choices with plenty of  character
mark4hay said:
I decided to get a pair of apistogramma agassizii
Hmm, tank's a little on the small side for apistos, but a really good choice in agassizii - they're my favourite apisto. You will need to keep seriously on top of your water changes, though.

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