72 Gallon Bow Front Aquarium Stocking Idea!


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2013
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I recently cycled my 72 gallon bowfront, and here is my idea to stock it:
10-12x bigger-sized tetra; possibly two small schools (I have 5 Columbian tetra right now)
1x albino bristlenose pleco (owned, currently 4")
1x super red severum cichlid (at lfs, currently about 2.5-3")
1x opaline gourami(owned, currently 2")
10x corydoras catfish(currently own 7 various types)
1x striped raphael catfish (owned, currently 1.5")
1x spotted raphael catfish(at lfs, currently 4")
I have a cascade 1000 canister filter (for up to 100 gallons) and a marineland penguin 200 filter (for up to 50 gallons). 
The tank is heavily planted with various anubias species, corkscrew grass, a little bamboo, and some various floating plants, with several pieces of driftwood. Plenty of hiding places. I know a severum would probably eat the corkscrew grass, but I would just replace it with more sturdy plants that would last longer. Would a severum ever harm my corys, or any of the other fish for that matter? Is this over-stocked? What do you think?

Also, I can foresee myself getting another tank for just corydoras somewhat soon in the future (at the earliest one year), leaving the severum, gourami, raphaels, and tetra in the 72 gallon.
I think you are about there with the stocking - all I would say is have you considered a Rotkiel Severum just because they stay a bit smaller than the greens, golds and reds and though this is a decent tank its not the biggest for Sevs... But I think you will do okay. Sevs will be fine with Cories - shame you have a mixed school one species would be better. And as for the tetras I would get all one type it looks a lot more impressive and less species always draws more attention to each group or individual which is exactly what you want when keeping big cichlids like a Sev :)
As for plants - be prepared for them to get annihilated.... no other way of putting it. You might be okay you might not.... depends on the sev no guarantee either way.
I am backing Wills up here with the plants. I only had things like java fern and anubias which are supposed to taste nasty and survive most plant eating fish, but my sevs destroyed nearly every last piece of plant life in my tank. Didnt matter how much lettuce I fed them. I recently rehomed them to somebody else's plantless tank and am slowly trying to get my tank back on  track to being lovely and planted again. 
Sevs are lovely fish, don't get me wrong, but if you like the look of a planted tank more, I strongly suggest you choose a different cichlid.
Alright, so what would be another cichlid that wouldn't destroy plants and would get along with the other fish? I read a firemouth might be an option; there are some little 2" juveniles at the lfs. What about a rainbow cichlid? A kissing gourami?

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