70l Nano Journal


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yeah, a red macro that I hear grows like a weed. Be prepared to prune :D
Update time again.

Quite a bit has happened in the past few weeks so I'll bring you up to speed.
1. Still battling with cyano. PO3 and Nitrate has both been 0 for weeks now and I'm begining to look at other possible problems low calk, mg or alkalinity to try and find out what is causing it.

2. Got a new Money Cowrie from the LFS FOC who is doing well and muches hair algae like you wouldn't believe also really cool to watch as he slowly raises his out skin and then quickly retracts when anything comes near.

3. Lost one of perc's a couple of days ago. RIP Coral (the missus named her) She was the larger of the pair but was always a real pain to get eating and would prefer to graze on the rock work but being a new tank there was just not enough life there to support her. I tried her on everything I could think of including flake foods, frozen pellet, frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, frozen daphnia, live bloodworm, live brine shrimp and even tried soaking the frozen foods in garlic with no joy. The only thing she would take was the bloodworm and even then she would take one and then wouldn't look at it again 3-4 days. So I'm sad to loose her but I think I tried everything I could.

4. I have 2 new fish on the way a black and white Perc and a royal gramma.

5. I've got rid of the tiny air powered skimmer and replaced it with a v2 skim 400. This thing was a real PITA to get going filling the collection cup in around 90 seconds and is also way too big for use in a nano the pump and bubble stop take up 1/4 of the tank space. Got it all under control now though. So in relation to the problems people have had with this skimmer a few pointers I discoverd along the road. The bubble stop is naff and the instruction say to push the outlet pipe in to it. Wrong. Also when the pump was mounted to the side of the tank I had constant over flowing.
The only way I have found to resolve all the issues encountered was to raise the physical height of the skimmer by sliding the mounting bracket down the body. The pump is hanging freely from the end of the inlet pipe (odd but it appears that the skimmer is optimised for a very specific flow rate and needs the pump to have just the right head loss to work correctly) and the outlet pipe just touches the waters surface in the middle of the bubble stop box but their is space all around it. If anyone is have problems feel free to ask and I'll put up some pictures of how to reslove the problem.

6. The big news:0 Drumroll please.

I'm taking down the nano! And replacing it with a 70 USG system. I have the new tank 48"x15"x18" (footprint,height) it is predrilled and started its life as a display tank at the lfs but after just 6 months they are have a change around and had several tanks going very cheaply. Just getting togeather the extra bits I'll need and will start building the stand next week. Wish me luck.
Wow, you sure got lucky, hope all goes well.
Thanks, I couldn't believe my luck when he told about the tanks shows it pays to be friends with your LFS. Keep your eyes out for a new journal I'll be putting the stand together either this week or the weekend.
heh I was excited today when my lfs lady offered me some old tank parts...as we walked towards the back she was telling me "yeah, theres a great protein skimmer and all sorts of goodies that Im trying to give away..." I was super excited as Im in the market for one...walking into the back I looked around the corner and saw what looked like a protein skimmer big enough for a swimming pool...the thing was bigger than my tank heh. Apparently she knew someone had dropped off a protein skimmer but didnt realize it was friggin huge. Anyhoo...it definitely pays to be friends with the lfs people. Hoping to get my hands on one of the soon to be taken down display tanks as well :)
Not sure where you are but if your in the southwest (UK) send me a pm and I'll give you the name of the shop. They always have second hand bits for sale. Just bought a 6 tube ballast for £25. Always pays to ask.

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