60 Gallon Ideas


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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Was out on Black Friday and happened to run into Petsmart to get some crickets for my lizards. Long story short, my parents decided to hell with surprises, they'd get me a christmas present right then and there, a 60 gallon tank and stand combo! I can't stock it until christmas but the anticipation is killing me and I'm so excited to start planning things out. We brought the stand and tank home today. It's 48 inches long, I dont remember the other measurements.
I want to know what different kinds of combinations I could put in this bad boy. I have a few restrictions though: no standard community fish (by this i mean guppies, neons, that sort of stuff i have already in my 29), I'd like to use a sand bottom, I'd prefer if the tank is NOT heavily planted (but a few java ferns or swords is no big deal), IDEALLY this tank could be compatible with a larger specie of Pleco or catfish (no particulars, just in general it would be cool to have a 6 inch or so fish like that).
I'd really like to hear some cool/unique/crazy ideas because I'll be obtaining the fish from aquabid most likely and price isn't really a problem. Some fish I have already given thought to and researched are: spotted climbing perch, mbuna (species only of course), and bichirs.
Rather than have a tank with 2 huge fish or something like that, i'd like to have at least 4-5 fish and up to as many as would fit i guess. Very excited to see some of the suggestions!
What about a decorated catfish? (http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_decorus.php) - I have one in my 90 Gallon and they're really nice fish, they have a little bit of a personality and look nice and get to about the right size for your tank - Or maybe the moonlight gourami - the only problem with that is they like heavily planted tanks but if you position the rocks/plants correctly it should be fine! ^_^
Hope I helped.
Lanzuis said:
What about a decorated catfish? (http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_decorus.php) - I have one in my 90 Gallon and they're really nice fish, they have a little bit of a personality and look nice and get to about the right size for your tank - Or maybe the moonlight gourami - the only problem with that is they like heavily planted tanks but if you position the rocks/plants correctly it should be fine!

Hope I helped.
Wow! I absolutely love that catfish suggestion. I have looked up other species of synodontis and my favorites are the one you suggested and the slightly smaller featherfin. About yours though, do you think it can handle being with more aggressive fish and does it do ok individually compared to in groups? Because I think a school of them would be neat but it might not leave much room for other fish due to their large size 
That gourami is a nice looking fish but it seems to be timid and more peaceful and that doesn't really match what I have in mind. Thanks for the suggestions though!
GetItSahn said:
What about a decorated catfish? (http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_decorus.php) - I have one in my 90 Gallon and they're really nice fish, they have a little bit of a personality and look nice and get to about the right size for your tank - Or maybe the moonlight gourami - the only problem with that is they like heavily planted tanks but if you position the rocks/plants correctly it should be fine!

Hope I helped.
Wow! I absolutely love that catfish suggestion. I have looked up other species of synodontis and my favorites are the one you suggested and the slightly smaller featherfin. About yours though, do you think it can handle being with more aggressive fish and does it do ok individually compared to in groups? Because I think a school of them would be neat but it might not leave much room for other fish due to their large size 
That gourami is a nice looking fish but it seems to be timid and more peaceful and that doesn't really match what I have in mind. Thanks for the suggestions though!

Well, mine lives with tiger barbs although I would expect it to be able to live with small aggressive fish (Smaller Cichlids) and I don't know if they work individually or otherwise, mine is alone and I think some research will be fairly important if you want to have them in schools! ^_^
Synodontis decorus get a foot long so i would only suggest them for about a 150+ gallon tank. Ive seen some websites suggest otherwise but for a fish that gets a foot long it wouldnt be fair to house them in a tank as large as the width.
They should only be kept single or they will fight and kill eachother from stress, if you would like a group you need to have a much larger tank with 8+, 12" fish mind you.
Most synodontis if not all can hold their own with cichlids.
Most bichirs i would recommend a min. 75 gallon tank and thats only for upper jaws besides orante, teugelsi, and weeksii.
You could perhaps do a spiny eel tank with small species of course, and maybe some nandus nandus or nandus nebulous, these fish can be very picky eaters however, so i would be prepared to take on extra responsibility for them.
Perhaps 3 leopard ctenopoma, i would suggest buying 3 babies at once because they can be very territorial, or just buy one adult. 
If you like geophagus red head tapajos you could get a school of 8, but they also prefer a little but larger tanks but can do in a 60.
Syndontis petricola stay quite small, around 4.5" and you can have a group of 6 as they prefer it.
If you want a pleco ones for a 60 gallon that come to mind are, bushy nose plecos (which comes in many colors), L204 flash pleco, if money isnt an issue why not a pair of chubbys haha they only usually start at 500$
, green or blue phantoms L128 stay around the 7.5" as well if your interesting in them, L106 or orange seem pleco a little rare but stays small and is peaceful, bulldog pleco, 3-6", clown pleco 4", tiger pleco L066 3", all these i mentioned are vegetarians and should have real wood in the tank for them to chew on and be fed real veggies.
A carnivorous pleco that is very small is the L046 zebra pleco which is also quite expensive at around 200$+
Anymore suggestions you need and ill try to think of more lol
sawickib said:
Synodontis decorus get a foot long so i would only suggest them for about a 150+ gallon tank. Ive seen some websites suggest otherwise but for a fish that gets a foot long it wouldnt be fair to house them in a tank as large as the width.
That's a bit extensive isn't it? O_O
I've done a fair amount of research on these and all the sources I look at say 50+ gallons :p
sawickib said:
Synodontis decorus get a foot long so i would only suggest them for about a 150+ gallon tank. Ive seen some websites suggest otherwise but for a fish that gets a foot long it wouldnt be fair to house them in a tank as large as the width.
They should only be kept single or they will fight and kill eachother from stress, if you would like a group you need to have a much larger tank with 8+, 12" fish mind you.
Most synodontis if not all can hold their own with cichlids.
Most bichirs i would recommend a min. 75 gallon tank and thats only for upper jaws besides orante, teugelsi, and weeksii.
You could perhaps do a spiny eel tank with small species of course, and maybe some nandus nandus or nandus nebulous, these fish can be very picky eaters however, so i would be prepared to take on extra responsibility for them.
Perhaps 3 leopard ctenopoma, i would suggest buying 3 babies at once because they can be very territorial, or just buy one adult. 
If you like geophagus red head tapajos you could get a school of 8, but they also prefer a little but larger tanks but can do in a 60.
Syndontis petricola stay quite small, around 4.5" and you can have a group of 6 as they prefer it.
If you want a pleco ones for a 60 gallon that come to mind are, bushy nose plecos (which comes in many colors), L204 flash pleco, if money isnt an issue why not a pair of chubbys haha they only usually start at 500$
, green or blue phantoms L128 stay around the 7.5" as well if your interesting in them, L106 or orange seem pleco a little rare but stays small and is peaceful, bulldog pleco, 3-6", clown pleco 4", tiger pleco L066 3", all these i mentioned are vegetarians and should have real wood in the tank for them to chew on and be fed real veggies.
A carnivorous pleco that is very small is the L046 zebra pleco which is also quite expensive at around 200$+
Anymore suggestions you need and ill try to think of more lol
Ok, assuming i get let's say, 6 synodontis...would that work with 3 leopard ctenopoma? or could i do a larger pleco 5-6 inches with 3 leopard ctenopoma? 
I really like the leopards and I would like to get those IF i can keep them with synodontis or plecos or some other fish
Lanzuis said:
Synodontis decorus get a foot long so i would only suggest them for about a 150+ gallon tank. Ive seen some websites suggest otherwise but for a fish that gets a foot long it wouldnt be fair to house them in a tank as large as the width.
That's a bit extensive isn't it? O_O
I've done a fair amount of research on these and all the sources I look at say 50+ gallons

They do say that yes, but this fish grows 12" long, trust ive seen sources say a pacu can live in a 50+ gallon, pacus can eat that tank... Not literally but from my experience a fish that isnt two times smaller than the width of the aquarium is usually to small for it.
To the OP, some petricola with 3 ctenopoma should be no problem, make sure to buy babies though and all at the same time, some artificial plants through out the tank with help them alot. You could get the ctenopoma and the synos and a pleco around that size, what were you thinking? 
If ninj comes in here she might be able to help you a bit more with the leopards, she has one and has done much more research.
sawickib said:

Synodontis decorus get a foot long so i would only suggest them for about a 150+ gallon tank. Ive seen some websites suggest otherwise but for a fish that gets a foot long it wouldnt be fair to house them in a tank as large as the width.
That's a bit extensive isn't it? O_O
I've done a fair amount of research on these and all the sources I look at say 50+ gallons

They do say that yes, but this fish grows 12" long, trust ive seen sources say a pacu can live in a 50+ gallon, pacus can eat that tank... Not literally but from my experience a fish that isnt two times smaller than the width of the aquarium is usually to small for it.
To the OP, some petricola with 3 ctenopoma should be no problem, make sure to buy babies though and all at the same time, some artificial plants through out the tank with help them alot. You could get the ctenopoma and the synos and a pleco around that size, what were you thinking? 
If ninj comes in here she might be able to help you a bit more with the leopards, she has one and has done much more research.

I think that's a good plan for now. 3 leopards, 6 synos, a pleco....is that full stocked you would say or could i up the numbers on any of those? Thanks again for all your help
I suppose there would be no problem with getting about 8-10 petricola, then i would say the tank is stocked, what pleco did you plan on getting?
sawickib said:
I suppose there would be no problem with getting about 8-10 petricola, then i would say the tank is stocked, what pleco did you plan on getting?
ok, i'll add them in two groups of 4 if thats alright. I haven't decided yet, theres alot of them that i like. Still looking through
Sounds good and i forgot to mention not to add all your fish at once anyway haha, id do the leaf fish and pleco first then four and four of the synos.
sawickib said:
Sounds good and i forgot to mention not to add all your fish at once anyway haha, id do the leaf fish and pleco first then four and four of the synos.
thanks so much for your advice and time. Can't wait until Christmas now!

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